Author: Liesl - Homeschool Den

Mosquito Life Cycle 0

Mosquito Life Cycle

We’ve had a lot of mosquito larvae in our make-shift frog/toad habitat.  We watched a fascinating,  informative video about the mosquito’s life cycle here.  We didn’t know that the mosquito larvae breathe through a tube at the surface of the water.  Also we learned that mosquito eggs can live through the winter and hatch in the spring. Meanwhile, we have about 20-25 tadpoles that have survived in our habitat and...


Japan: Geography, Music and Culture Unit (PreK; Grade 2)

The theme of our music class these next two or three weeks is Japan.  Each week we sang the continent song together.  This week, we pulled out a new kind of map, a Montessori flag map.  We learned where Japan was located and placed the flags we knew on the map.  Then everybody piled outside to do a scavenger hunt for Japanese flags. (from Japanese Flag printables) We then looked...

Mom Stories — Attack of the Bees 0

Mom Stories — Attack of the Bees

Everyone has amazing stories that make them unique and interesting.  I’ve had the itch for a long time to write down some of my stories for the kids.  I had this “I can do it” moment on Sunday morning when I realized I could write up a few stories on the blog, collect them in a folder and sometime compile them for the kids.  Why the blog?  Well, this is...

Piggy Bank Counting; Odd Man Out (odd-even game) 0

Piggy Bank Counting; Odd Man Out (odd-even game)

Piggy bank counting —In this activity, the kids each had their own sets of coins and ‘piggy bank.’  (DD had nickles and pennies; LD had quarters, dimes, nickles and pennies.) LD tossed his coins onto his piggy bank.  He got to ‘keep’ the ones that were heads up.  He sorted those and got rid of all the ones on ‘tails.” Before counting his coins he had to trade in his...

Enjoying Time in the Woods 0

Enjoying Time in the Woods

On Monday we spent several hours out in the woods exploring.  The weather is perfect — low humidity and comfortable 70-80 degrees (22-25 C or so). Do you have those — knock your hand against your head moments?  Well we suddenly realized why these are called Yellow Poplars! (Below that is a purple maple leaf DD wanted in the picture as well!) There aren’t anywhere near as many mushrooms out...

Pets Theme — Patterns, Countin’ Whiskers Blindfold Game, Colors 0

Pets Theme — Patterns, Countin’ Whiskers Blindfold Game, Colors

This week ED and DD are going with a pet theme for some of their activities. Even before I could finish printing things out DD was bursting at the seams to play! This is a pattern matching game from  (a paid website whose graphics and activity ideas are wonderful and well worth the membership fees for us — ages 2-6 or so — we use it all the time...

Math Gameboards and other stuff 5

Math Gameboards and other stuff

It’s been a long time since I mentioned these math gameboards from The School Bell.  DD and I have played these addition fact games. Let’s say DD and I were playing on the 5s gameboard. DD drew a 5 card, then she would move her piece to the next 0.  On my turn, if I drew a 4, I would move my piece to the next 1 on the board....


Australia — Music and Culture

In our music class we are covering music from different places around the world.  Easiest for me was starting with some music from Australia!  I talked more about this in another post below.  One of the outside activities everyone did this past week was to make their own dot painting. The picture on the left is a dot painting that we bought in central Australia about 10 years ago.  It...

Math Activities 6

Math Activities

Here was a quick math activity for DD. The princess bookmarks were from here. It had been a while since LD did this place value activity, so I added this in to our other activities.  I really like the purple paper beads which I printed out from here. I bound 10 sets of 100s with a brad to make a 1000 bead bunch.  While we also have actual Montessori beads,...

3D Castle Maze 2

3D Castle Maze

LD read a book called “The Knight at Dawn” and decided he wanted to do some sort of knight-related craft.  We built castles.  I mostly did the big castles (with bits of help from the kids) while they used the scraps to build elaborate small castles (which unfortunately this photo totally obscures!) Dad used the castles as the entrance and exit of an elaborate 3-D maze. It became more and...

Music: Rhythm Cards 0

Music: Rhythm Cards

Yesterday, I introduced the song/rhythm: Bee Bee Bumble BeeCan you sing your name to me? It has the same rhythm as “Rain, Rain Go Away” We all tapped our paper to the rhythm, learned to play it on the glockenspiel and then played the bumble bee game while chanting the song. This morning, I was printing out rhythm sheets for next week’s class and thought I’d share this wonderful resource...

Music Class for Five Year Olds (Class 1 Outline) 0

Music Class for Five Year Olds (Class 1 Outline)

I’m going to have a class for a few homeschooling kids who are DD’s age (I do it for free–just for fellowship and music fun!).  If anyone’s interested, I posted the general plan of what I will do for the first, 45-minute class. The general theme will be music from around the world, but we’ll play lots of music-related games and learn a bit on the glockenspiel, etc. Tomorrow...

Math Games We’ve Been Playing Lately 0

Math Games We’ve Been Playing Lately

These past six weeks or so, LD has been doing a lot of work in his math workbook (that’s not terribly exciting to blog about, is it?!!). That was easiest for me while we were on travel and as we settled in. We generally use Right Start Math, but it is quite Mom-intensive, so we had to put that on the back burner for a while. In fact, we only...

Dinosaur trashosaurus 12

Huge Dinosaur Activity! Trash-o-saurus Measures in at 9 feet 9 inches by 4 feet 8 inches

We had so much fun with our huge dinosaur project.  A teacher on a website I saw somewhere (sorry, I forget where) mentioned having her class make a “trash-o-saurus.”  I thought that was a brilliant idea, especially as we have SO much packing paper from our move. We looked around the yard for some items to help us make the structure (bone system) of our dinosaur.  The previous owners left...