Author: Liesl - Homeschool Den

Our Favorite Holiday Sweets 1

Our Favorite Holiday Sweets

Do you have any special sweets you make this time of year?  Our family has some old traditions and some new. I’d like to share two of the easiest cookies we make this time of year: One of our new additions is from Aunt M… we love this recipe and it is so easy! We’ve altered her original recipe slightly: 1 cup butter 2 cups flour (I actually use 1/2...

My Son’s Teammates Lost their Little Cousin in the Sandy Hook Tragedy 0

My Son’s Teammates Lost their Little Cousin in the Sandy Hook Tragedy

When news of the terrible tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary first broke last Friday, I was horrified. While on the one hand, I wanted to know what was going on, what happened, and why, on the other hand I wanted to shield my own children from this terrible news. Quite frankly, I didn’t want them to know. I didn’t listen to the news in front of them. We kept the...


3 Things I Need From School Break

After a busy semester, there are three things I need: a complete break from our school schedule and routine time for self-reflection time to plan We’re currently on stage 1!! We definitely need time to revitalize and become re-inspired by our studies. I’ve been fortunate to have some good quality time by myself without kids while my in-laws were here to babysit. I spent lots of time at the library...


Let the Holiday Fun Begin! School Break! Hooray!

We are officially on school break! What fun! I can say that we all needed the break because it has been so busy these past few weeks. And while we had some fun projects we were finishing up, I can definitely say that I was beginning to feel flat and stale. Time to step back shake things up and re-energize a bit. While my in-laws were here for a few...


More Irregular Verb and Plural Noun Practice Sheets

I introduced irregular verbs and nouns to the kids last week, but it was clear they could use a bit more practice. Here’s another sheet I made for them. We actually did these last week, but with all the Christmas math posts I never got a chance to share these. More Irregular Verb Practice and Plural Noun Worksheets  Here is the link to the previous worksheets I made on irregular verbs...


Christmas Division Pages

I shared DD’s multiplication pages a couple days ago. Now here are the division pages I made for LD. He isn’t as inspired by the cute pages, but I still made a few pages for him. You can download the Christmas-themed-division here. I made the illustrations myself. There also some addition (with Pete the Cat) and multiplication (with Pete the Cat)  pages in this same style. See you again soon...


Christmas Addition with Pete the Cat and the Christmas Pup

ED is not really ready for complicated addition problems. She’ll just use the first of the six pages in this packet. I’ll have her roll the die and fill in the blanks—and I’ll also use some dominoes and have her fill in the numbers. If you don’t have actual dominoes, you can print the domino set from Mathwire. They even have a add-on set for up to double-nines. Click here to download Christmas...

Oh, the Devastating Tragedy of Today’s Events 0

Oh, the Devastating Tragedy of Today’s Events

Every parent around the nation must be shaking with grief and horror for the parents and families who lost their children and loved ones today. My heart goes out to all of those families. It is hard to wrap my head around the numbers…20 children and six adults all lost their lives today in what should be a safe haven of love and learning, an elementary school. It chokes me...


Christmas Multiplication with Pete the Cat and the Christmas Pup (2s thru 5s)

The girls beg me daily for new “cute stuff” in their workboxes. The moment I have something for one–the other is clamoring for something new too! When I told DD about this new pack she ran as fast as she could to her math workbox, pulled it out and filled out the first page!  How’s that for motivation?!! DD is working on her multiplication tables from 1s through 5s.  I drew these...

When Tragedy Almost Strikes 3

When Tragedy Almost Strikes

I have two little stories to share…I’ll start with the less dramatic one. Yesterday afternoon I had just dropped the kids off at their art class. I was on a major road and stopped in the left turn lane to wait for the light to change so I could turn across the highway. The light finally turned red to bring the traffic going my direction to a stop. I’m not...


The Day in the Life of a Homeschooler

Every now and then I like to write up these posts. The first one I did was when the kids were 3 and 1 (and ED wasn’t born yet!)…I’ve done them periodically since then. This is a glimpse of what goes on when we’re actually home all day. It’s not a “typical” day because as homeschoolers each day is different than the day before–at least in our family. That’s what...


Last Night’s Biking Adventure

Twice a week, I pack up the bike and take DD out into the (flat, but unfamiliar) neighborhoods where my other kids have gymnastics practice. The weather has been so mild we’re still able to go out even in December! I had just put white/red bike lights onto her bike since it gets dark so early now. So, last night DD and I set out on our usual (5pm) bike...


Pete the Cat Unit – More Free Resources preK to 1st Grade

ED continued to work on things she selected from her workbox with the Pete the Cat theme. She worked through this addition page I made for her… Buttons Addition  for Pete the Cat Here’s ED doing the activity a couple of days ago: She loved the Pete the Cat Die and graph from Herding Kats. The Pete the Cat Roll and Color is by Shannon over at Kindergarten Hoppenings. ED especially liked...


Doubling Game (2+2, 3+3, etc.) with Pete the Cat

I made this gameboard to play with ED for math. It is the game “Bump,” for addition. Click here to download Pete’s Doubling Practice Gameboard  What you need: *Game board *Die with the numbers 1-6 *Two different types of tokens (one type per player) How to play: *One play rolls a die (with the numbers 1-6). *Double that number and cover one of the cats with her token. For example, if she...