Happy Summer!!
Yesterday was the first official day of summer! I hope your summer is going well so far!!
One of the first things we did when we moved here close to five years ago was to plant a blueberry garden. We chose a very steep (difficult to mow) hill, took out all of the grass, and created two tiers. I remember ED (age 2 at the time) coming out to “help” me in her fairy dress and dainty slippers. I thought it was SOOoooo cute! Here’s a collage from way back then:
Now, years later we still put time into the blueberry bed (weeding, mulching, etc.) but for the first time we got a really large harvest of blueberries. We’ve been going out daily picking a large bowl of blueberries. Plus, our raspberries are pretty prolific now too! Yum!!
With summer, I imagined all this free time would open up for me… I would have tons of time to work on my projects, clean and reorganize, and things like that. So far, it hasn’t been quite as I imagined! I had a terrible ear/throat infection last week (on the mend now!!). Our fridge died, so we had to replace that. And the air conditioning died in the car, so I spent 6 hours last week waiting at the car repair shop for that (and it turns out I have to take it *back* in this week! Ugh!!) Meanwhile, the girls had a week of Girl Scout camp and the kids are doing a “spy” club that meets every other week or so. Plus, we’ve had friends over for play dates, have spent time in the pool, etc. etc, All that is to say that life has been busy and fun filled (mostly)!
I will be taking quite a bit of time off from blogging this summer. I need time to work on the house, on projects for next year, and time to relax and re-energize! You’ll see a few posts from me (mostly on Mondays, I think)… until we’re back on a more regular schedule. As I said in my Three Rs post last year, I love our breaks! I really, really need time to re-group and get refreshed for another semester. This is probably as important a part of our homeschooling life as when we are going full-tilt with science experiments and history projects!
I hope you are having an amazing summer so far (if it’s summer where you live!!).
Don’t forget to visit our Summer Activities List. I have a LOOooong list of activities for elementary and middles school age kids! Another things I should add to the list is “soccer golf.” We played nine holes yesterday for Father’s Day and it was a lot of fun!
You might also like this post: My three Rs — Re-energizing, Relaxing, Re-Organizing