Earth Day Math Games for Addition and Multiplication
This Wednesday is Earth Day. I made the kids some math game boards to practice their math facts. I have made a number of different game boards options including basic addition and doubling as well as multiplication boards. They are all in the same file. Just print out the game board that works best for your child. 🙂
Normally I include a picture of the kids playing the game, but I made these this weekend and we haven’t actually sat down to play these yet. I may try to add in some pictures later, but in the meantime I hope you can use these this week! 🙂
How to play the Bump Game:
Each player needs different color tokens (or mini-erasers).
Use a die or a wooden cubes with the numbers suggested (either 1 thru 6 or 4 thru 9).
Players take turns rolling the die and placing their token on the correct answer.
If the other player has one token on that space, they can be “bumped” off.
Once a player has two of their own tokens on the Earth space, it is theirs to keep.
The player with the most covered Earths at the end wins the game!
Click here to download these Free Earth Day Bump Games
The games I made include:
- Basic addition – Add 1 using a die with the numbers 1 to 6
- Basic addition – Add 2 using a die with the numbers 1 to 6
- Doubling – Double the number you roll with a die that has the numbers 1 to 6
- Doubling – Double the number you roll with a die (or wooden cube) with the numbers 4 to 9
- Multiplication 2s: Use a die with the numbers 4 through 9. Roll and multiply the number rolled by 2.
- Multiplication 3s: Use a die with the numbers 4 through 9. Roll and multiply the number rolled by 3.
- Multiplication 4s: Use a die with the numbers 4 through 9. Roll and multiply the number rolled by 4.
- Multiplication 8s: Use a die with the numbers 4 through 9. Roll and multiply the number rolled by 8.
- Multiplication 9s: Use a die with the numbers 4 through 9. Roll and multiply the number rolled by 9.
Hope you have fun! We’d love to hear from you here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page if you wind up playing one of these games with your child/ren! ~Liesl
You may be interested in our Earth Day Post this week over at It includes some activity ideas to do with the family and highlights some incredible facts (like each American family uses 1,500 plastic bags a year!). Plus, there are links to some free PreK Earth Day Packets, a free coloring book from the Dept. of Energy and other things.
Have a great week!