Blog News: Homeschool Resource Page and Updated List of Free Homeschool and Teaching Resources
Homeschool Resources: Today I have several great resources for you. The first is a new page of some of the books we use in our homeschool. You’ll see that new button in the left side bar. I hope to keep a fairly current list of recommended books from different subject areas (history, science, language arts, math & critical thinking, art).
How to Find Homeschool Curriculum: Since the list above is mostly just books, I thought I would also add in links to the posts I wrote last fall about finding homeschool curriculums in the various subject areas:
Choosing or Creating a Homeschool History Curriculum – This is a post about the many history homeschool resources available.
Homeschool Science Curriculum Options
Finding a Homeschool Math Curriculum
Finding a Language Arts Curriculum for Writing, Grammar, etc.
Free Homeschool and Teaching Resources: I also spent time today updating this long list of Free Homeschool and Teaching Resources Around the Web.
Preschool at Home: Finally, you probably noticed the new Preschool at Home button on the left side bar which links to dozens of our posts for ages 2-5 or so!
Coming Soon: By the way, as many of you know I’m working on a huge Dinosaur Packet… Somehow it has expanded to over 50 pages! I love the graphics (hope you do too!) and I should be ready to share that at the end of February. Hooray!
Cell Packet: We are in the middle of our unit on cells. That packet will be available sometime soon too. 🙂 Topics include: cell theory, classification of living things, prokaryotes vs. eurkaryotes, lapbook pages, cell parts (organelles), protein synthesis, animals vs. plants, cells in the human body.
Hope you find something useful! If you have any great resources I’ve missed, be sure to leave a comment and I’ll add them to this list!