Montessori-Style Addition Pages with Regrouping – Hundreds Packet

Not long back, I shared some of the Montessori-style addition pages that I made for ED. We have shared the sheets with no regrouping and some of the those include tens-ones, hundreds-tens. But this set has regrouping with hundreds-hundreds.  I’ll share them here if you can use them.

Montessori Style Math -Hundreds-Hundreds- Regrouping

There are 8 pages in this file.


If you find these useful, I’d love to hear from you over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! Have a great day! ~Liesl and the Kids

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You might also be interested in these addition and subtraction math materials (Find out more by clicking on the links below):

Dragon Math Packet (Addition, Subtraction worksheets & games)

math board games addition doublingaddition subtraction worksheets

Addition Fact Activities: Fact Families Worksheets and Game Boards

Fact Families 5s through 19s (plus a Doubling game board)

Number Family Activities - worksheets gamesWhy learn the number families? Knowing their fact families helps a lot as kids start to work on their subtraction facts. They know that 6+7=13, so 13-7 becomes easy! Below is a picture of the 12s Math Family:

  • On the worksheet, students have to make 12: 0+12, 1+11, 2+9, 3+8, etc.
  • There is a game board and number cards.  Players take turns drawing a card (using the numbers 3 through 9 for this particular game) to make 12.

Addition 12s Math Family

50+ page Addition and Subtraction Pet Pack: This packet includes 35+ pages of worksheets and a math game board with math fact cards.

Addition Subtraction Pet-Themed WorksheetsAddition-Subtraction-Game

Place Value Materials and Pirate Math Packet. This post also has a video that explains how we did our place value activities.

Pirate-Math-Packet-Games-Worksheets-MathCards-Activity-Ideas Pirate-Clocks-Analog-Digital-Practice-Matching-CardsPlace Value Printables

These packets are sold separately or you can purchase all of them together in our Addition Bundle:

includes 5 pdf files

1.  the Pirate Pack which includes 65 pages of math activities

2.  Place Value printables

3. Pet Pack addition worksheets and games  (50 pages)

4. Addition Fact Activities: Fact Families Worksheets and Game Boards

5. Dragon Math Packet (Addition, Subtraction worksheets & games) 50 pages

(Click on the links above to go to the post for more details or scroll below for pictures.)

Addition Bundle (5 pdf files): Pirate Packet, Place Value Activities, Pet Pack and Math Fact Family Games and Worksheets


Don’t forget to check your PayPal email address for the download link from SendOwl (the service I use).

Pirate-Math-Packet-Games-Worksheets-MathCards-Activity-Ideas Pirate-Clocks-Analog-Digital-Practice-Matching-CardsPlace Value PrintablesAddition Subtraction Pet-Themed WorksheetsAddition-Subtraction-Game

Addition Games for Mathmath board games addition doubling

Again, if you have any questions or problems, feel free to email me.

See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! Don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter. You might also want to check out some of our resources pages above (such as our Science, Language Arts, or History Units Resource Pages) which have links to dozens of posts.  You might want to join our free Homeschool Den Chat Facebook group.  Don’t forget to check out Our Store as well. :)

Homeschool Den StoreHappy Homeschooling, everyone!!  ~Liesl


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