Water Unit: Free Worksheets on Water and Water Usage
As I mentioned yesterday, we started a new unit on water (jumping off onto a new tangent for our weather unit). I made a couple of pages for the kids’ science notebooks. They go along with some of the resources I shared yesterday.
I had the kids try to brainstorm as many uses for water as they could and then had them study a printout of the USGA water use poster to add to their list:
I also had them think about how much water they use on a daily basis. Here’s the worksheet I made for them: What’s Your Daily Water Use?
We loved the Engineering Unit: Water, Water Everywhere: Designing Water Filters, but if you can’t afford the entire unit, I still recommend that you buy the book that goes with this unit: Saving Salila’s Turtle. It really brought out some great points about the water cycle, pollution and figuring out ways to clean our water.
Be sure to visit yesterday’s post: Free Water and Water Cycle Resources
Visit our other Weather Unit Posts:
- Free Earth Science Packet: Earth’s Atmosphere — As we started off this unit, we spent quite a bit of time learning about the layers of the Earth’s atmosphere. You can download our free 19-page packet at that post.
And come visit us at our Homeschool Den Facebook page! Don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter! ~Liesl