My Personal Life Has Taken Over!
I love homeschooling — and I love writing about what we’re doing, but life is taking over for a little while. We have family coming from all over the US (and from Brazil) for my husband’s great uncle’s birthday party. He’s turning 90 and we are hosting several families (they started arriving earlier this week). Then tomorrow we will have 50 or 60 people over to our house. It’s been busy as we cleaned the house, washed sheets, went shopping and all that in preparation for having such a big party. I even cleaned off the books and mess from our dining room table and decorated for fall!
And, if you read my post a couple of weeks ago, you may know that I’m having some major ear surgery in a few days. They’ll be drilling in behind my ear to gain access to the bones behind my eardrum. One of those bones had corroded away when I was a child due to ear infections. They might, depending on what they see, replace one/more of those bones. Then they’ll use bone filler to fill in the area along my ear canal which was left recessed in (and still now causes ear infections). Anyway, I’ll be out for at least a week recovering and taking it easy.
My in-laws will be helping watch the kids. I’ll probably leave them with the bare minimum of work for school. They have been having a blast with all those online math games I posted about. ED has been playing lots of addition games like these:
Other Fun 4 the Brain Addition Games:
So, in the meantime, in preparation for my absence from the blog I’ve gone through lots of old posts. Starting this Sunday I have some old posts scheduled to come out each day. Perhaps there will be some things you missed from way back — all kinds of earth-space science posts, our fun human body activities and things like that.
We’ll see you on the other side after I’m fully recovered! Hope you’re having a lovely fall! ~Liesl