Monthly Archive: April 2012


USA Science and Engineering Festival

Beep, Beep! Class, it’s time for another field trip! We went to participate in the largest science celebration in the U.S.A.  The kids got to participate in hundreds of hands-on exhibits! We got up really early and drove down to the 2nd annual USA Science and Engineering Festival last Friday.  It was phenomenal!  The mission of the festival was  “to re-invigorate the interest of our nation’s youth in science, technology, engineering and...


Preschool Theme Time: Bugs, Bugs, Bugs!

Last week I put together my huge list of activities to do with my preschooler. One thing I haven’t done in a long time is our “Theme Time” activities.  It is such an easy way to incorporate those games that get shoved to the back shelf.  Last week we did a lot of insect-themed activities.  Here are some of the things we did together: ED did lots of different crafts....

Long O Word Sort – Freebie – Space Themed 0

Long O Word Sort – Freebie – Space Themed

It probably comes as no surprise that we’ve been into the shuttle this past week or so! We use All About Spelling and I made a word sort that goes along with volume three (though since it’s a simple sort you can use it with your kids any time even if you don’t use All About Spelling). This is a space-themed word sort for long-o words. Just so you know...

Homeschooling in Australia 12

Homeschooling in Australia

This week we’re going across the ocean to talk with April, an Australian homeschooler and author of the blog, Learning Alongside. Welcome!  April, I love the title of your blog. Can you explain why you chose “Learning Alongside” as the name of your blog? From the beginning of our homeschooling journey I have been learning.  I never realised how much I didn’t know about my children, our family dynamics and myself. ...

Math: Telling Time Games; Working with Measurements 0

Math: Telling Time Games; Working with Measurements

My kids and I have been playing a lot of “Time Bingo” lately. It has kids recognize the time at five minute intervals.  I love the fact that all the clock faces on the bingo cards are different.  We got this as a Christmas give from Grams and Gramps, but I see on Amazon that it’s pretty reasonable in price (currently $4.00). Just to make sure the kids knew what...

The Future of Space Exploration as the Space Shuttle Program Ends 2

The Future of Space Exploration as the Space Shuttle Program Ends

We learned some really amazing space missions are in development!  Last week we watched the Space Shuttle Discovery in awe as it flew close by our house towards its final destination. The Space Shuttle Program has truly come to an end. We went to see the space shuttle is in its new home at the Udvar-Hazy National Air and Space Museum, but we were surprised to learn just how much...

What Should the Kids Be Learning? 1

What Should the Kids Be Learning?

I think we all worry a lot about what our kids need to know right now. What skills should they have? Can they do what they’re supposed to in fill-in-the-blank subject? We’re currently working on lots of stuff — math, spelling, physics, critical thinking, writing skills, music, but ultimately what is important that they remember and know from *this* day or *this* week? What do I want my kids to learn?...


An Interview with a Classical Christian Educator: Part 2

This is a continuation of my interview with Brandy, author of Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood.  If you missed yesterday’s post (Part I) be sure to go back and read her description of classical education and the weekly educational community they participate in, Classical Conversations. The second part of this interview focuses a bit more on their day-to-day homeschool style. I often ask others if they have a particular style of homeschooling. How...


An Interview with a Classical Christian Educator: Part 1

In this series, I have had the privilege of interviewing other homeschoolers from across the country.  This week I interviewed Brandy, the author of the inspiring and informative blog, Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood.  Brandy is a classical educator and her boys participate weekly in the educational program, Classical Conversations.  She will tell us much more about that in just a moment! Welcome Brandy!  First, could you tell us the age of...

The Space Shuttle Blasts by our House! 1

The Space Shuttle Blasts by our House!

We were outside this morning on the lookout for the Space Shuttle Discovery.  We were so excited to have it fly by at tree-line! Naturally we had to take a million pictures as it flew by! A little while later we went inside to watch the drama unfold on NASA TV as it landed at Dulles Airport! Pictures courtesy of  NASA TV. We talked a lot about the space shuttle...

What You Can Do to Celebrate Earth Day on April 22 – freebies and more 0

What You Can Do to Celebrate Earth Day on April 22 – freebies and more

The celebration of Earth Day began over 40 years ago. It is a day to celebrate our planet and think about how we can help our environment. Did you know that the Environmental Protection Agency was established not long after that first Earth Day in 1970? The Clean Air Act also passed that same year. Now Earth Day is celebrated in more than 175 countries by an estimated 500 million...


Physics Unit: Gizmos, Gadgets, and Simple Machines

We have been gearing up for these activities for a long time.  Back in January I mentioned the kids read the Physics, Pre-Level 1 (Real Science-4-Kids) book. LD read it on his own while I read it together with DD. I thought it was a wonderful introduction to some basic physics concepts. Then as you’ve seen we did some background activities on Newton himself (the geography of England/Britain/UK; the Black...


Black Plague Activity

Would you believe this is an activity that I created as an introduction to our physics unit on simple machines, gizmos and gadgets?!! Sometimes inspiration just hits! So here’s how it came to be.  I was doing some background reading on Sir Isaac Newton, the scientist who developed the Laws of Motion among other things. I learned that while he was at Cambridge University an outbreak of the Black Plague...