What have we been up to? Part 3
I know I’ve mentioned a number of times that we use
the Right Start Math curriculum. I really, really like the
program (and so do LD and DD)! We progress pretty
slowly partly because (as you probably have noticed) we
do lots of other math activities/games as well. But, Right
Start Math really impresses me with its use of manipulatives,
games and its emphasis on truly understanding basic
math concepts.
So, pictured below we’re doing a couple of Right Start
Math activities.
In the third picture we are using a gameboard from The
Army Game over at the Sunflower Schoolhouse. If you
haven’t checked out Honey’s blog, I really recommend
that you do. She’s an amazing homeschooling Mom — she
has five children including twins who just turned one. Her
website is a goldmine of wonderful resources including
free downloads and a great list of other homeschooling
blogs (called the workbox blogroll). It’s a joy to go and
browse her website because I always come up with some
new gems. My latest finds from her website?
Thank you for the mention on your blog. I am so glad you were able to make use of The Army Game. Thank you for visiting. I have some fun math activities coming this week. BlessingsHoneywww.sunflowerschoolhouse.com
Thanks Honey! I just love your blog. I don't know how you manage to be so productive and creative with twins underfoot as well. You're amazing! I'll be sure to check out your latest activities.