Tagged: homeschool interviews
When I posted about the unschooling summit yesterday, I started thinking about how much I enjoy talking with other homeschoolers and learning how homeschooling works in their families. I thought back to the series of interviews I did with other homeschoolers and guest posts I’ve featured on the blog the past few years. I thought I would put those links together for you. I know there are quite a number...
This is a post by my amazing sister, Cynthia. She and her husband homeschool their three kids. My sister works full time and my brother-in-law works part time for the National Guard. They live on a farm in Tennessee and raise chickens and a few ducks. Here’s a view looking out on their lake from a trip last winter: I’ve written about my sister’s family adventures from time to time...
Yesterday on the Diane Rhem Show on NPR there was an interview with a homeschooling family. If you’re interested, you can listen to the podcast here: Quinn Cummings: “The Year of Learning Dangerously”. Quinn Cummings is an actor, author and inventor who has been homeschooling her daughter for four years.
This is a continuation of yesterday’s interview, Homeschooling Through Spousal Deployments, a Destructive Flood and More. Today I’m continuing that interview starting with some questions about homeschooling through high school. Many people decide to put their kids into school for their high school years. What has made you decide to continue homeschooling them? First, the kids really don’t want to go to “regular school” – they like the freedom...
In this series, I have had the privilege of interviewing other homeschoolers from across the country. For today’s interview I’m turning to my sister, Cynthia, and brother-in-law, Tom who homeschool their three children. Cynthia works full time at a university as a professor and associate provost and is a prolific writer; Tom is in the National Guard. They have weathered some pretty trying periods in their homeschooling life and I...
Today I have the privilege of introducing Dayna Martin. She is a well-known leader in the unschooling community. She has been interviewed in dozens of television and radio pieces about radical unschooling. She speaks nationally and internationally at unschooling conferences. Dayna is a pioneer who has been at the forefront of the conscious parenting and unschooling movement for the past decade. Author of Radical Unschooling: A Revolution Has Begun, and...
This week we’re going across the ocean to talk with April, an Australian homeschooler and author of the blog, Learning Alongside. Welcome! April, I love the title of your blog. Can you explain why you chose “Learning Alongside” as the name of your blog? From the beginning of our homeschooling journey I have been learning. I never realised how much I didn’t know about my children, our family dynamics and myself. ...
This is a continuation of my interview with Brandy, author of Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood. If you missed yesterday’s post (Part I) be sure to go back and read her description of classical education and the weekly educational community they participate in, Classical Conversations. The second part of this interview focuses a bit more on their day-to-day homeschool style. I often ask others if they have a particular style of homeschooling. How...
In this series, I have had the privilege of interviewing other homeschoolers from across the country. Today I am talking to a homeschooling Dad. Here to tell us how his family got started homeschooling and what his family’s homeschool style looks like is Jason, the author of the blog, Homeschool Daddy. He’s been online at his personal blog bnpositive and many others for almost a decade. Welcome Jason, First I’d...
In this series, I have had the privilege of interviewing other homeschoolers from across the country. Here to tell us how her family got started homeschooling and what her family’s homeschool style looks like is Rachel. Rachel’s children are twice-exceptional–gifted but with learning disabilities. They homeschool using a virtual school, a cyber school where the kids’ learning takes place online. Welcome Rachel! First, could you tell us the ages...
In this series, I have had the privilege of interviewing other homeschoolers from across the country. Here to tell us how her family got started homeschooling and what her family’s homeschool style looks like is Erica, the author of the popular homeschooling blog, Confessions of a Homeschooler. She has developed her own homeschooling curriculum including the popular Letter of the Week and K4 curriculums, Expedition Earth, Road Trip USA and...