Tagged: geometry

Free Complementary and Supplementary Angles Worksheets 0

Free Complementary and Supplementary Angles Worksheets

My daughter has been working on geometry this year and needed a little more practice working on complementary and supplementary angles. I wanted to share these free Complementary and Supplementary Angles Worksheets with you today! She had to define and draw examples of these.  And, she also had to determine the measures of complementary and supplementary angles based on diagrams and the information provided. Two angles are complementary if the sum...


Brilliant Way for Kids to Understand Pi

Just a quick note for you this morning because I thought you might like this too. When I saw this, I just knew I’d have to share it with the kids! They have taken to memorizing π. (I think DD knows π to 31 digits and her best friend knows it to 50 digits (in two languages, she tells me!)! Um… I’m not sure why, but it’s impressive!).  The illustration below makes π so...