Tagged: early elementary science experiments

Science Curriculum Sale over at Mr. Q’s Science 3

Science Curriculum Sale over at Mr. Q’s Science

Between January 16 and 22nd, there is a 50% off sale at Mr. Q’s Science Classic Science curriculum. He offers Life Science (FREE: see the note below) Earth Science Chemistry Physical Science To get a flavor for the curriculum, you can download the Elementary Life Science Curriculum for free at any time. He also has lots of samples for each science curriculum before you buy it.  We have not used...


Explosion of Colors in Milk Experiment and Other Chemistry Fun!

Isn’t this pretty? This was one of our experiments as we finished up our chemistry unit! One of the chapters in our chemistry book (Real Science 4 Kids-pre-level 1) talked about mixtures. It talked first about how how some mixtures dissolve (like salt in water). Then it went on to talk about soap and soap molecules. We read how soap makes things like butter and grease “dissolve” in water. Detergent...