Tagged: China unit


Marco Polo – Free Notebook Pages (Books and Resources)

While we were studying the Yuan Dynasty, we spent quite a bit of time learning about Marco Polo, his travels and his experience in Kublai Khan’s court.  To wrap up the unit, the kids tilled out these notebook pages to add to their history notebook.  The kids really enjoyed learning about Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan and the adventures of Marco Polo.  We didn’t do any projects with this unit, but...

Ancient China Worksheets 5

Ancient China Packet

We have been studying Ancient China this semester.  We are using  The Story of Ancient China (affiliate link) (see more about that below) as our spine, but also have read selections from the  Story of the World (affiliate link) and the Kingfisher History Encyclopedia. This is the packet that I made to go along with some of our readings. These are now included in our 100+ page Ancient China Unit. Recently,...


China Unit: Books, Books! A Huge List of Children’s Books

When we delve into a new unit, I search high and low for a wide variety of books. Not only do I want non-fiction books, but I also want books that bring the topic alive… and stories and novels are a wonderful way to do that.  This is a long (and probably incomplete!) list of the books we’ve used and are using in our China unit. We’ve read a number...