483 Search results

For the term "middle ages".

Viking Unit – Norse Myths, Woodburning Craft and More!

Last week, we combined our study of the Vikings with a new art project — woodburning!   We have just started a new unit on the Middle Ages. Last week, we focused on northern Europe and the Vikings/Norsemen.  We started by learning the location of the Scandinavian countries. We talked about the “barbarian” invasions of the Roman Empire and read that section in our history book. The spine for our...


What Are We Up To? (Grades 1, 4, 6)

Life is running away with me because I have so many irons in the fire! I love it!! So first off, about me and my new journey here at our new location: So just to fill in for those of you who are new readers… I’ve been blogging since my youngest was a baby (well actually since well before my oldest was even born, but that was a family blog to...

New to our blog - Start Here

New to Our Blog? Start Here!

We are so glad you are here at the Homeschool Den! We have been homeschooling for years now, so we have a lot of resources tucked away here at our blog. In fact, let me send you to one of our latest freebies – the FREE Winter-Spring 2024 Homeschool Planner and you’ll find our Free 2024-2025 School Year Calendar Printable here.  Would you like to check out some of our...


Homeschool Week in Review (Grades 1, 4, 6)

The biggest challenge this week? Just getting going each morning! This past week was our third week back since the break. In some ways, it was my toughest yet.  There are some days/weeks when we we dive into our homeschooling with enthusiasm and zeal, but other times it’s hard to get started, though once we do, we generally get things done. This was one of those weeks that was that bit...

Our Store

Our Store

Our most popular science packets include Earth Science Unit, a Study of Cells, Biology Unit, Chemistry Unit, Digestive System Unit, States of Matter, Simple Machines, Human Body Systems, Skeletal System Unit, Ocean Unit, Physical and Chemical States of Matter, Electricity and Circuits Unit, Layers of the Atmosphere, Magnets & the Magnetosphere, and more. Our science units are mostly under $15.00 and range in length from 20 to well over 150...

Homeschooling After the Holidays 2

How to Start Homeschooling After the Holidays

The holidays are almost over… Two or three (or more!) weeks have gone by since you last “cracked the books”…  The “normal” homeschool routine is a thing of the past…  Are you feeling ready to start back into homeschooling? Here are some of the things I try to do before we jump back into our homeschool routine. 1) Make Sure You’ve Really Had a Break! If you have spent the...


Homeschool Planning and Schedules: From the Big Picture down to the Daily Schedule

A week or so ago,  a reader asked me if I had any other tips about homeschool planning. She had read the posts I had put together on short term and long term goals and planning, but wondered if I had any other thoughts.   She wondered how I make sure we keep tabs on the resources and books and planning things out in general. I spent a lot of the...


What Are We Covering for Grade 4 and Grade 6 in our Homeschool This Fall?

We’re way overdue for a general post about what we are/will  be covering this fall.   Some things we cover together and other subjects the kids work on their own, at their own pace. I put the kids “grade level” in the title of the post, but remember that as homeschoolers that doesn’t mean terribly much. We work at whatever level and at whatever pace the kids need it. Sometimes...


Choosing or Creating a History Curriculum

  When we first started homeschooling, I read The Well Trained Mind. The thought of covering history in four year cycles sounded like a wonderful way to approach history. After all, the kids would build on their former knowledge… learning about the ancient world several times, but going into more depth each time round.  History was broken into  these four year cycles: Ancients Middle Ages and Early Renaissance Late Renaissance/Early Modern...


How Do You Know What to Teach the Kids? Finding a Homeschool Curriculum

I’ve been asked fairly regularly, “How do you know what to teach the kids?”  That is definitely a daunting task, especially if you are pulling your child out of public/private school mid-year.  Homeschool does not have to look like traditional school and there’s no rule saying that learning has to come from books or a certain set of books.  There are a lot of homeschool curriculum options out there… and...

Find Activities for your Tots or Preschoolers, Search for Different Unit Studies: Categories and Archives Features 0

Find Activities for your Tots or Preschoolers, Search for Different Unit Studies: Categories and Archives Features

We have a wonderful tech team here at Parents. You might have noticed that the categories feature of my blog is now back! Hooray! Ever since I started this blog I have been categorizing things into different units.  If you’re doing a study of Ancient Egypt or natural disasters, the human body or the ocean, or just want to look through the dozens and dozens of posts I did when...

Hands-On Homeschool Activities for Tots to Ten Year Olds! 4

Hands-On Homeschool Activities for Tots to Ten Year Olds!

Not too long ago the categories section of my blog was disabled. I’m trying to get that up and running, but in the meantime I wanted to be sure people could cruise through the various topics we’ve done while planning for the fall. I’m sure homeschoolers all around the country are gearing up for the new school year! Update: We have just moved to homeschoolden.com… I have not yet provided the...


Long Term Homeschooling Goals

This is the fourth post helping describe how I go about planning for the new school year. Here are the previous posts in this series: Here are the questions I consider. This post looks a back at our school year. I talk about what went well and what could use some improvement. Yesterday’s post talked about how I  assess our homeschooling philosophy: Am I happy with *how* we are homeschooling? I...

Read Aloud Time 0

Read Aloud Time

Sometimes it’s a bit hard to describe how homeschooling works.  Lots of things happen simultaneously and our read aloud time is the best example of this.  This semester our read aloud time has been mostly centered around American history (though we also read a book about Isaac Newton). We were studying the American West and so we read the  Sign of the Beaver, Little House in the Big Woods, and The...