41 Search results

For the term "there their homophone".

Free Grammar Sheets: Lay-Lie, Peace-Piece, Accept-Except and more

The kids are going over some tricky homophones.  These are some of the sheets I made for them.  If you can use them, they are free to download. Grammar Sheets — Lay-Lie Peace-Piece Accept-Except and other homophones   Other free grammar worksheets you can download: Their, They’re, There – Its, It’s Free Practice Sheets Comma Rules and Practice Worksheets Comma Rules and Practice Worksheets (Fall Theme) Grammar Practice: Possessive Nouns...


Grammar Practice Sheets: Plurals, Endings, Past Tense Verbs

I made a couple of sheets so my older kids can review how to add endings (such as -ed, -ly, -s, -es and so forth). We reviewed when to double the final consonant and some of the irregular verbs.  I also included the answers (but they are not shown in the picture below). There’s nothing fancy about these sheets, but they’re free to download if your kids need some review:...


Comma Rules and Practice Sheets (Free)

Last week I mentioned that we’ve been doing some grammar review again. We went over 11 comma rules. Then each day they’ve been doing  five or six sentences — adding in the comma where needed and identifying the comma rule that applies. My kids love science, so the comma worksheet has a lot to do with science this time. (There are sentences about the plague, polio, the Venus fly trap,...


Comma Rules, Apostrophes, Underlining and Other Free Grammar Sheets

This post has a collection of free grammar worksheets I’ve made for the kids over the past couple of years. You’ll find practice sheets on the major comma rules, apostrophes, underlining and more: This first set, covers the basic comma rules.  We read over the rules together, then my son had to figure out which rule applied to each sentence and had to add in the appropriate comma/s. By the...


Comma Rules and Practice (Free Worksheets)

We’re coming down to the end of the school year and I wanted to make sure we reviewed a lot of the new comma rules we went over this year.  I made this sheet for my son and thought I’d share it with anyone else who might be interested. As always they are free to download. We read over the rules together, then he had to figure out which rule...


Grammar Worksheets: Synonyms and Antonyms

I made a few matching worksheets for the kids to go over the concepts of synonyms (words that have a similar meaning) and antonyms (words that mean the opposite or nearly the opposite of each other).  Although the kids probably know most of these words, I’m going to have them work together to fill these out. If you’re interested you can download your own copy of these free grammar worksheets:...


Capitalization Review

Once again the kids did a quick review sheet to go over capitalization rules.  I wrote out a paragraph about the author of The Hobbit and the kids had to find all the letters that should have been capitalized. I also went over some of the rules of capitalization and had the kids give examples (of a city, state, the name of a lake, and so forth). Although I don’t show...


More Irregular Verb and Plural Noun Practice Sheets

I introduced irregular verbs and nouns to the kids last week, but it was clear they could use a bit more practice. Here’s another sheet I made for them. We actually did these last week, but with all the Christmas math posts I never got a chance to share these. More Irregular Verb Practice and Plural Noun Worksheets  Here is the link to the previous worksheets I made on irregular verbs...


Grammar Practice Sheets: Irregular Verbs and Nouns

There’s nothing fancy about these sheets, but I wanted to be sure the kids knew how to change some of the irregular nouns and verbs. If you’d like to download these for your child or students feel free. Irregular Verbs and Plural Nouns Practice Sheets Other free grammar worksheets you can download: More Irregular Verb and Plural Noun Practice Sheets Grammar Practice Sheets: Plurals, Endings, Past Tense Verbs Their, They’re,...


Grammar Practice Sheets: Apostrophes, Quotation Marks and Underlining (and others)

We tend to switch back and forth between our spelling program and our grammar work.  This past week we worked on grammar and I made a few more sheets that paralleled the topics that were covered in our Write Source Skills Book (here’s a link to Grade 2 and Grade 4).  If you’re interested you can download the worksheets I made for the kids. They cover the use of apostrophes, quotation...

Our Homeschool Curriculum (Grades 2 and 4) 6

Our Homeschool Curriculum (Grades 2 and 4)

Lots of people have shared their school plans for this next year in the not-back-to-school blog hop: curriculum week.  In fact, I shared our preschool curriculum plans several weeks ago. Now finally, here are our basic plans for DD and LD this next year.  While they work on their own levels for math and language arts, we do most of our other units together. As you’ll see, much of our day...

Language Arts 0

Language Arts

Sometimes this doesn’t make as interesting material for a blog post, but we do cover grammar and language arts in addition to All About Spelling (we love, love love this program and it deserves its own post sometime), writing (we often use the Teacher Filebox for this), and First Language Lessons.  For basic rules of grammar we use the Write Source Skillsbook as our core (more about that below). We...

Capitalization Rules and Practice Sheet (free) 0

Capitalization Rules and Practice Sheet (free)

The main focus of our language arts is always reading — both independently and aloud together. I really feel there’s no better way to increase your vocabulary, learn about the eloquence of language. We talk about what we read, we memorize poetry and all that.  But since we have some standardized testing coming up, we’re doing some more formal language arts review (thus all the worksheets).  A quick, straightforward sheet...