374 Search results

For the term "earth science".

Geography Activities for 4-6 year olds

Last Thursday I talked about using the Montessori landmark cards, but I didn’t think to talk about ED’s other geography activities.  After reading through Me on the Map (which is just perfect for the 4-6 year old crowd), I had ED do an activity we had done a year and a half ago or so.  You have the kids color in and paste their location, pinpointing their location by going...


Typical Day with Tots & PreKs (When the kids were 18months, 3 and 5 years old)

This is a post from several years ago that had its own separate page.  At the time the kids were about 18-20 months (or so), 3 years old and 5 years old (I’m not sure exactly when because the page wasn’t dated). We still lived in Australia at the time I wrote this post. A Day in the Life of Our Homeschool Someone asked me what our homeschool schedule looks...


Homeschool Year in Review (Grades 2 and 4)

This is such a fun post to write! This is where I get to reminisce and think about the amazing year we’ve had.  It has been a blast… tiring at times (particularly in February when LD had a lot of out-of-town gymnastics meets, I had lots of meetings and was training for a half-marathon). But looking back, we had a fulfilling, successful year. We do a lot of our activities...


Standardized Testing: The Furor Over Exams

The weather feels like summer and we had a week away, but we actually haven’t quite brought our school year to a close. We have a couple of weeks left partly because we haven’t done our end-of-year testing yet.  As part of the requirements for our state, the kids have to take a national exam (there are several to choose from). The tests are graded elsewhere, we receive the results...

Free Montessori World Geography Map - Printable 19

Montessori Geography Activities (Free Montessori World Map)

FREE Montessori World Pin Map Printable You can make your own Montessori Style World Pin Map with this free printable! While my older kids were learning a lot about the location of the specific countries of Africa, my preschooler was working on world geography again.  I thought I’d share some of the activities ED has been doing the past week or two. As always, we started out by singing the...

Body Systems Worksheet 29

Human Body Systems — Worksheets

Today I’m sharing our Human Body Systems Worksheets with you.  This set provides an overview of the Body’s major systems. It also talks about human cells, tissues and organs. Once a year, we usually learn about one of the human body systems.  One year, we went into great detail one year about the Skeletal System. Another year,  we studied the digestive system.  And recently, we learned about the circulatory system. We...

Where Do Things Come From 4

Farm Animals (Montessori Activities and More)

After our study of earthworms and flatworms, we went back to talking about vertebrates.  One day last week, we learned a bit more about domesticated animals. We talked about some pretty fascinating things with DD and LD. Can you guess out of the millions of animal species how many large animals have been successfully domesticated? I’ll tell you in just a minute below! For ED we pulled in a few Montessori...


Hands-On Invertebrate Fun! (Part 2 – Amazing Planarian)

Planarian are a type of small flatworm. My homeschooling friend had some Planarian she had ordered and shared some with us! What a great friend to share her worms! 🙂 Heh heh! Let me first share a picture of these little creatures and then I tell you some really cool things about them!! Planarian are amazing because they have the ability to regenerate! If you cut a Planarian in half...


Invertebrate-Vertebrate Unit Study – Montessori Activities

Homeschooling is so great because you can be flexible and go with the flow when the need arises! We were all prepared to start school with a unit on rocks when my wonderful homeschooling friend offered to give us some flatworms called Planarian. Her family had studied them and their amazing properties.  We jumped at the chance to do something new and delved into a week-long study of invertebrates. It...


Building Molecules Chemistry Activity

We moved on from talking about atoms to talking about molecules and chemical bonds. Since my kids are pretty young, this is just a basic introduction to how bonds are formed and made. Building Molecules Worksheet: This is a free download. The screen shot below shows 2 of 3 pages. We spent several days building different kinds of molecules: On the first day we built water, oxygen, hydrogen and hydrogen...


States of Matter – Solid, Liquid, Gas – Learning Activities

Are you working on chemistry this year? I thought I’d share some of the activities we did when we learned about the States of Matter. I also link to a number of other posts from our chemistry unit. We’ve been having a blast with chemistry — well not literally, but sure have been learning a lot! Today we did most of the hands on activities suggested by the wonderful, wonderful...

Curiosity Landed Safely on Mars! 0

Curiosity Landed Safely on Mars!

I’m adding this to the top of the post a day or so later. If you are interested in seeing the images being sent back from Mars, you can go to the NASA image gallery. Look for the small caption that says “slideshow” and you’ll be able to see the enlarged images such as this one which shows Curiosity’s main target, Mt. Sharp.  The Curiosity team hopes to drive the...

Don’t forget the Mars Rover, Curiosity is About to Land! 0

Don’t forget the Mars Rover, Curiosity is About to Land!

Curiosity is scheduled to arrive on Mars late Sunday night (10:31 PST, Aug 5) or early Monday (1:31am EST, Aug. 6) depending on where you live. View it live at NASA TV.  The Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover took nearly 36 weeks (254 days) to travel from Earth to Mars. Its mission is to continue the robotic exploration of Mars assessing whether Mars ever had an environment that could support life...


Long Term Homeschooling Goals

This is the fourth post helping describe how I go about planning for the new school year. Here are the previous posts in this series: Here are the questions I consider. This post looks a back at our school year. I talk about what went well and what could use some improvement. Yesterday’s post talked about how I  assess our homeschooling philosophy: Am I happy with *how* we are homeschooling? I...