422 Search results

For the term "preschool at home".

Free Halloween Math Practice Pages: Multiplication, Division, Fractions and More!

Fun Halloween Freebies (with links to free Halloween printables for younger kids too)! I have made the kids lots and lots of fun math worksheets over the years!  Below you’ll find free Halloween PDFs for multiplication and division and for fraction practice. They are free to download if you can use them. Plus, I’ve added in a dozen other Halloween and Fall Freebies you might find helpful… from addition and...


Free Halloween Math Worksheets: Addition, Subtraction, Coins and Skip Counting

I have made tons of fun math worksheets for the kids over the years. Below you’ll find some free Halloween math practice pages for Addition and Subtraction Practice and for Skip Counting and Coin Counting. The first couple of pages are Halloween-themed addition and subtraction worksheets: Free Halloween Addition-Subtraction Practice Worksheets The other pages are on Halloween-themed skip counting and coins. (They are in a separate PDF.) Halloween  Skip counting...


Earth Science: Earth’s Geologic Timeline

We spent about a week learning about Earth’s four eons and most recent eras.  Today I wanted to share several of the activities we did to go along with this part of our unit. As you may recall, we reviewed the planets in the Solar System, talked about the age of the Earth (4.6 Billion years)  and did an impressionistic activity to show how short human history actually is compared to...


Free Rocks and Minerals Packet (25 pages)

Each week, I’ve been trying to share some of the packets I’ve made for the kids in the past couple of years.  Here are some pages I made for our Rocks and Minerals Unit that you might find of use. Rocks and Minerals Post: We wrapped our chemistry unit and spent a few weeks on vertebrates and invertebrates.  It was time to tackle a new unit on rocks and minerals. I’m using a...


Learning Latitude, Longitude and Using a Compass

A few days ago, I shared the hands-on activity we did to learn about the layers of the Earth.  We’ve also been learning about how we show and locate the exact positions of the land and water. I explained that most maps and globes are marked with lines that help us pinpoint an exact location on the Earth. These lines form an imaginary grid. The equator is just one of...


Earth Science: Layers of the Earth Hands-On Activity

Last week, I mentioned that we learned a bit about the Solar System in general.  This week we’ve been looking more closely at Earth’s long history.  We’ve been going over the four major eons and looking more closely at what happened in each (Hadean Eon, Archean Eon, Proterozoic Eon, Phanerozoic Eon). At first 4.6-4 billion years ago, the Earth would have been molten. Then as the Earth cooled it went from liquid...


Earth Science: Timeline of Earth Activity

For those of you who know much about Montessori, you’ll recognize “The Black Strip.” This is an impressionistic activity that is meant to impress kids with the enormity of time on Earth.  Our version was the purple ribbon strip — and it is only 21 feet (as my ribbon ream was 7 yards!).  But it still shows how very little time we humans have been on Earth relatively speaking.  I’m...

Solar System Kit 4

Learning about the Solar System (Hands-On Kit the Kids Loved)

I have been really looking forward to our Earth Science unit this fall. It has taken a while to start in on all our activities, but now that we’ve started we are learning TONS and having lots of fun! To start of the unit, I felt like we really need to cover some basics about the Solar System again.  We got a hands-on kit called the 4M Solar System Planetarium (affiliate link)...


Fun Math Activities for Ages 2 1/2 to 3 1/2

Over the next few days, I’m going to focus on our math activities. I thought that before I share what my older kids are doing these days, I’d share some of the activities they did when they were younger.  This post highlights a few things I did with my kids for math in the 2 1/2-3 1/2 age range. Here are some activities I did with ED when she was 2...


How to Teach Handwriting

How did we teach handwriting in our homeschool?  This is what we were using when ED had just turned 5. ED really enjoys writing…  Here’s a picture of ED writing in her journal from last January (age 4). The kids and I made a special trip to Staples for them to pick out their own journals. I offered to write whatever they wanted for them, so they could record things...

Making Learning Active, Engaging, Relevant & Memorable! 4

Making Learning Active, Engaging, Relevant & Memorable!

After spending time talking about all the homeschool curriculum choices, I really wanted to talk about what excites me most about teaching and homeschooling… the possibilities!! It really doesn’t matter what curriculum you use… anything can be used as your spine… but (for me) education is going beyond the books. It’s all about the passion, the excitement, the hard work and intensity that comes with learning. When you have those...


Science Activities for Ages 4-6 or So

In writing my series for new homeschoolers about choosing a science curriculum, I came upon this post from last year.  Since many people are planning or just starting the new year, I thought it was the perfect time to share this again. We have always done a lot of hands-on science. In the early years, I just want the kids to think science is cool!!  We’ve done a lot of science...


Choosing or Creating a History Curriculum

  When we first started homeschooling, I read The Well Trained Mind. The thought of covering history in four year cycles sounded like a wonderful way to approach history. After all, the kids would build on their former knowledge… learning about the ancient world several times, but going into more depth each time round.  History was broken into  these four year cycles: Ancients Middle Ages and Early Renaissance Late Renaissance/Early Modern...


Math Curriculum Options & Active, Engaging Math Activity Ideas

In this series, I thought I’d try to offer new homeschoolers a starting point for finding homeschool curriculums that works for your family. Today I’ll be talking about math. It’s sometimes tricky to find the curriculum that works well for you and your kids. It’s helpful to ask around (online and in your community) to see what will work for your child.  If you can go to a homeschool curriculum...