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Fudge Cookies 0

Fudge Cookies

I love this recipe and it’s really easy to make, especiallyif you need something quick and easy for holidaycelebrations. They are VERY rich. MELT:1 cup semi-sweet choc. chips2 oz (2 squares) unsweetened choc, chopped2 Tbsp. butter ADD and MIX:2/3 cup sugar2 eggs1/4 cup all-purpose flour1 tsp. vanilla1/4 tsp. b. powder1 cup chopped pecans or other nut BAKE:8-10 minsat 170/350 in the oven By the way, you can store this dough...

Christmas Ornament Activity 0

Christmas Ornament Activity

Here’s a little activity I put together for theseason. I got some cheap little ornamentsto hang on this little Christmas tree. I madethe tree out of pipe cleaners and placed someself-hardening clay in a little plastic cup sothe tree would stand up. I wound up needinga bit more support for the tree, so used thebottom of a paper cup to make it a little morestable.

Breakfast Independence 0

Breakfast Independence

The older kids are always given a small pitcher to pourtheir milk into their cereal. ED now has a very smallpitcher of milk to pour into her bowl. (She’s been doing thisfor a couple of months now, probably starting around 20months old, I think.) If she dribbles any milk she knowswhere the washclothes are and will go grab one out of thedrawer to wipe the table.

How do you homeschool with kids of different ages? 1

How do you homeschool with kids of different ages?

One question that I’ve been asked pretty regularly is “how do you homeschool with kids of such different ages?” My first response lately has often been, just imagine taking your three favorite students out of a class of 25. They have different needs and abilities, but so do the kids in a traditional classroom setting. I get to work every day with the kids that I most enjoy being with...


Homemade Graham Crackers

While we were away, I was doing some browsing online and found a recipe for graham crackers (which my kids love — I even have had people send us boxes from the States!) We gave the recipe a try and they turned out wonderfully. In fact, we made TWO batches in the past couple of days. I rolled ours out really thin, so they are very crunchy. LD said they...

Driving Across the Outback 2

Driving Across the Outback

We just got back from our three week holiday down toAdelaide, South Australia. We drove down. If you’veever wondered what the Australian Outback looks like,here are a few photos that are pretty representative ofwhat it’s like for 1200+km. There are lots of smallshrubs. Sometimes there are occasional hills, but mostlyit’s flat. Every now and then (somewhere between 50 and250kms) there are roadhouses where you can fill up onpetrol/gas. Most roadhouses...

Car Crafts 0

Car Crafts

I had lots of crafts ready for the kids to do in the car. Thepom pom was a huge hit. This isn’t the way I grew upmaking them, so I thought I’d post a few pictures in caseothers of you hadn’t seen this method. It was greatbecause even ED, now 22 months, was able to wrapthe yarn around. Be sure to cut out two circle shapes to make it easier...

Car Entertainment — 2 0

Car Entertainment — 2

The kids also really enjoyed decorating Chinese food take-away boxes (that I got in the local dollar store). I gavethem Christmas stickers and all three kids spent a lotof time carefully covering their boxes. Later in the tripI gave them markers to decorate the box. They also enjoyedcoloring in wooden Christmas ornaments. DD really enjoyed the felt board materials (I added asnowman, Christmas tree and ‘ornaments’, and things likethat. I...