Category: Language Arts – Grammar Spelling Reading Writing Categories
It has been a long time since I’ve written about the kids’ handwriting work. I started LD off on Handwriting Without Tears “Cursive Handwriting” when he was in first grade. This helped with his tendency to mix up his “b” and “d” letters. His writing is really quite nice now. He actually uses a combination of cursive and printing, but his writing is neat and legible. DD started Handwriting...
A Six-Year-old Goes on to the National Spelling Bee A six year old homeschooler from Virginia is going to compete in the Scripps-Howard National Spelling Bee after winning the Prince William County spelling bee where she competed against elementary and middle school students last Friday. She started competing in her first spelling bees at the age of 3 1/2. Congratulations to Lori and good luck! See the article and...
I’ve been printing out our own customized writing paper for DD when she does her spelling and narration work. She loves this paper and you can choose from all kinds of themes (animals, holidays, seasons, cartoon characters and more). You can also choose the size of the writing paper (from larger lines for beginner writers to standard rule for more seasoned writers). Anyway, since we get SO much use out...
The girls got a new game for Christmas called A to Z, Jr by Discovery Toys. What a great game! The game itself is the perfect age for DD and LD (ages 6 and 8). It’s similar to the game Scattergories. Each person rolls the die and picks up a card. Then he/she has to name as many objects as they can for the category they rolled. Categories might include:...
Instead of jumping straight back into All About Spelling, I had the kids work on words with silent letters last week. You can find this word sort in the language materials area at Montessori for Everyone. I made a couple of work sheets for DD and LD to do with these. You can download them here if you are interested. You can see the first two pages below. Words with Silent...
I found a bingo card creator and have made several cards so LD can do some reviewing. This is the “long A” sound words, but you can create any word list you want. Here is the link to the bingo card creator website. I’m often raving about All About Spelling (affiliate link) and just wanted to include a picture of the tiles. Each lesson presents a new rule and before...
DD is learning a couple of new poems from a very old book we own from 1904 called the Value of Cheerfulness. We both like these poems and I thought I’d share them with you all. And since the poems are inspiring, why not some awe-inspiring art (left). I love, love, love Albert Bierstadt’s sweeping landscapes of the American West. They might not need me– Yet they might– I’ll let...
We are doing lots of spelling review over the holidays just to keep things fresh. Today and tomorrow I’ll share some of the spelling things we’re doing to keep things fresh. Every now and then we pull out our spelling word sorts. LD goes over the rules he has learned for spelling. DD is just now becoming familiar with the rules. We use these to supplement the wonderful program we...
DD just finished up a lesson on plurals in her spelling program (we use All About Spelling which we love, love, love!). I saw this game over at First Grade and Fabulous which has the kids decide whether to add an -s or an -es. We played over and over. It was absolutely perfect timing for us, plus it’s really cute! Thank you so much, Deanne!
LD has gone over a lot of the different long-A sound word groups for spelling. I made this word sort to help cement in some of those families especially the trickier ones such as eigh — weigh, eight, neighbor, sleigh aigh — straight ea — steak, break You can download a copy here if you are interested.
To go along with the build-a-sentence pack I made, I put together some free writing prompts. I’ll share it here in case some of you find it helpful for your emergent writers. It is 18 pages.Click here for the Free-Writing Prompts Pack
Over the weekend, I made a set of Build_A_Sentence-Creative-Writing-Pack for my first-grader. Build_A_Sentence Creative Writing Activity Here are my plans for them: The first couple of pages are filled with ideas. She’ll go through and create sentences (silly or not) to write in her journal. Next we’ll work together to brainstorm ideas for some of the other themed sheets. I made about twenty different themed sheets with topics such as friendship, aliens,...
In collection (our morning group time) we talked about building super sentences. I used some materials I got from the Teacher Filebox (a subscription site that gives you access to most of the Evan Moor books from writing and reading to science and history). This was a great activity for DD and good review for LD (ages 6 and 8). First we looked at a simple sentence. The frog hopped.Then...
We had such a great homeschooling day on Monday. I was skeptical we’d get into the groove since we had just had my niece and nephew with us for four days. I brought in some spooky schooling, though and we had a terrific day! I went out and bought some dry ice and we did a number of experiments. You can see suggestions from Steve Spangler science and a couple...