Category: Holiday: Christmas Activities
Keeping on top of things During the Holidays! Homeschooling in the next 6 or 7 weeks promises to be very hectic. Not only are we balancing daily school work, but there are other pressures on our time… holiday parties, shopping, decorating, communicating with far-away friends and family. Rather than getting swept away by holiday stress, be proactive and make sure you know what challenges are coming up! Holiday Preparations: Cards:...
I love our breaks as much as the kids do! It’s a time to relax, re-group, and get refreshed and reinvigorated for another semester! Time-off is as important to our homeschool as going full-tilt with school! It’s time to kick back, read and relax a bit, enjoy the family and the holiday season! Wishing your family a wonderful holiday season! ~Liesl and the Kids
Here are a few math review sheets I put into ED’s math workbox this week. (I almost forgot to share it!) So better late than never, right?!! These pages have a little bit of everything–addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. She has just started on double-digit multiplication, but she likes having “fun” math sheets too. Hope someone else can use these! 🙂 ~Liesl Christmas Math Worksheets You might be interested...
Today I wanted to share some of the free Christmas-themed addition and subtraction materials I’ve made for the kids over the years. Here are some basic addition worksheets. These are for kids still working on their basic addition facts: Christmas Pets Addition Practice Worksheets Last year, my kids were especially wild about Minecraft. ED asked for some Christmas Creeper practice pages… It seemed easy enough to make, so I made...
Here are some Minecraft Christmas Creeper practice pages I made for the kids. They are free to download. There are four math worksheets. Two have multiplication and division problems. The other two pages have fraction problems. There’s one column of reducing the fractions and one column of equivalent fractions. We have math textbooks that the kids do as well, but they enjoy having their own “fun” math worksheets as well....
This is another recipe our family has made for a long time. My Mom got it from a colleague at work years ago. It was in our old tattered family recipe box as “Coconut Yummy Bars.” The kids love these and they are really quick to make. Again, this is something a bring only if I know that it is acceptable to bring desserts with nuts in them. Melt 1...
I think I mentioned a week or two ago that we are not doing a traditional Advent Calendar this year. Instead, our family is going to do some giving… Giving of kind words that is! Each of us in the family has chosen a day (Monday through Friday) to be our day to receive uplifting mail. Today (Tuesday) is LD’s day. At some point during the day the rest of...
We play a lot of games and with the holidays coming up, I thought I would highlight some of our favorites. DD absolutely *loves* board games so we have a huge selection of card games and board games in our cabinets! I’m going to start with a couple of games that we use regularly in our homeschool, then will highlight some of the games we love pulling out for family...
I have been making these peanut butter bars since high school and really haven’t ever seen them around. When I bring these everyone raves about them! They tend to be one of my stand-by desserts if it is a function where I know peanut butter is acceptable. Peanut Butter Bar Recipe: Ingredients: 1 cup crunchy peanut butter 2/3 cup butter 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 cups firmly packed brown sugar 3...
The holiday season is here! This time of year, I really have to keep a close eye on our calendar and plan things out in advance to help keep the stress (and extra errands/shopping) to a minimum. At the same time, I want to make sure we schedule in the fun traditions that make this season special for our family. That takes some planning and organization, especially since we continue...
In this post you’ll find free Christmas-themed math cards and various math games you can play with your kids… anyone from 2-10 depending on how you use the cards!! There are lots and lots of different cards games you can play during math time. Here are some of the number cards I made for the kids. They look like this: Ages 2-4: If you have a toddler or preschooler you can...
One of the most stressful things for me is having day after day of unexpected (or unanticipated) “lost” homeschool days when nothing gets done. I think that what bothers me is not that I don’t expect them this time of year, but that I don’t think about it and acknowledge them in advance. Then I have this nagging feeling like I didn’t live up to some in-the-sky (my own!) expectations....
I made these free addition worksheets for my daughter for this next week. I thought I’d share them in case anyone else can find them of use. These pages are pretty simple addition and doubling. Free Winter-Themed Addition Pages You might also enjoy the Montessori-Style Winter Addition Pages You might want to check out our Addition and Subtraction Pet Pack which is in our K-2 Math BUNDLE (which includes 20...
Dear Santa, This year my 8-year-old daughter asked if I was going to write to Santa. She’s been writing to you all year and thinking very carefully about what she wants for Christmas. It’s been a while now since I’ve taken the time to write to you, but I think I’ll do that this year! So Santa, I’d like to start off with the basics. To be honest, I’m not...