Category: Homeschool: Organizing and Cleaning


Thoughts on Teaching: The Power Morning!

I really want to do a series called “Thoughts on Teaching.” Why? Well, I’ve been reading a lot lately and have been excited about some of the ideas I’ve come across. As I process all that, I always want to write about it.  May as well bounce my ideas with my online reader friends, right?!! Do you ever need a private cheerleader… someone to pat you on the back and...


Homeschool Supply List & Homeschool Science Supply List

It’s that time of year again! Back to school sales are on and it’s a great time of year to stock up on homeschool supplies. This year, I have added to our original Back to (Home)school Shopping List to include some homeschool science supplies we have used (and are on our shopping list for this year). More about that below! Even though I’m sharing these very long lists now, I...


What a Great Week!

We’ve had such a great week!  In early March, the kids were often really testy with one another but ever since our lovely spring break (when my in-laws were here), things have been moving along well! This post actually has nothing to do with the featured image of Starbuck, though she does rule over our homeschool room. She spends a lot of time under the homeschool room couch, but once...


Free Spring-Summer Calendar

It’s that time of year again.  We’re trying to schedule in summer camps and family vacations. I work really well with paper calendars for keeping track of things here by my desk. This is the spring-summer calendar I made and just thought I’d share it for anyone else who can use it. 🙂 Free Spring-Summer 2015 Calendar Some of our summer plans? We are hoping to go on another Fossil...

Homeschooling After the Holidays 2

How to Start Homeschooling After the Holidays

The holidays are almost over… Two or three (or more!) weeks have gone by since you last “cracked the books”…  The “normal” homeschool routine is a thing of the past…  Are you feeling ready to start back into homeschooling? Here are some of the things I try to do before we jump back into our homeschool routine. 1) Make Sure You’ve Really Had a Break! If you have spent the...


Homeschooling Through the Holidays

One of the most stressful things for me is having day after day of unexpected (or unanticipated) “lost” homeschool days when nothing gets done. I think that what bothers me is not that I don’t expect them this time of year, but that I don’t think about it and acknowledge them in advance.  Then I have this nagging feeling like I didn’t live up to some in-the-sky (my own!) expectations....


Creating Daily Homeschool Procedures and Routines

Goodness, that sounds so formal, doesn’t it? Let me say right off the bat that our homeschool is much (much, much) more flexible than a formal public school. In so many ways, our homeschool doesn’t resemble public school much at all… We have just 3 kids; we don’t always start school at the same time or with the same subject; we have the flexibility to dive into one particular subject...


Back to (Home)School Shopping List

The back to school sales are starting up where we live… and across the other side of the country, the kids’ cousins are back in the classroom next week. With that in mind, I thought it was time to share our homeschool shopping list. We try to top up on various supplies while the back-to-school sales are on.   Here are some of the things that we use in our...

Free Fall 2014 Calendar Printable 0

Free Fall 2014 Calendar Printable

Behind the scenes, I have been starting to plan out our fall semester.  One thing I wanted right away was a calendar packet. I made one last spring and found it really useful.  I printed out two copies. One is for our school schedule. I will pencil in our units and trips to see what the semester will look like.  The calendar includes various holidays since we’ll be reviewing some...

Homeschool Purchases and Organization — Furniture, etc. 0

Homeschool Purchases and Organization — Furniture, etc.

Actually, there is no such thing as homeschool furniture or purchases since everybody’s home is unique and everyone has their own style!  But that being said, there are a few purchases I’ve made in the past six months that I really love and I wanted to share.  Book Display Shelves: We have all kinds of book displays, but I wanted one that looked “nice” and would display the writing books...

Homeschool Room — Transformed! 0

Homeschool Room — Transformed!

Yesterday, I mentioned that my friend and I had some really lengthy conversations about homeschooling.  We both really want to change up our writing time.  I’ve been spending months and months reading books about writing and feel like I have some really wonderful ideas and direction for this part of our homeschool.  When I got back, I decided I really wanted a spot where I could feature some of the...

Hands-On Homeschool Activities for Tots to Ten Year Olds! 4

Hands-On Homeschool Activities for Tots to Ten Year Olds!

Not too long ago the categories section of my blog was disabled. I’m trying to get that up and running, but in the meantime I wanted to be sure people could cruise through the various topics we’ve done while planning for the fall. I’m sure homeschoolers all around the country are gearing up for the new school year! Update: We have just moved to… I have not yet provided the...

Massive Hornets Nest, Before-After Room Shot and other Summer Stuff 0

Massive Hornets Nest, Before-After Room Shot and other Summer Stuff

I remember reading once that you are never supposed to write about not blogging. “Boring!” someone said.  I still feel the need to apologize or explain the infrequent posts, though! We’re still in summer mode and while  I think I’ve more-or-less hammered out our fall semester and have been busy browsing and purchasing books, scoping out cool science experiments and activities, making some worksheets and games for our units, I’ve felt...


My Three Rs — Re-energizing, Relaxing, Re-Organizing

I love our breaks!  I really, really need time to re-group and get refreshed for another semester. This is probably as important a part of our homeschooling life as when we are going full-tilt with science experiments and history projects! Right now I’m spending a lot of time taking care of myself (reading!!), tackling the house (getting up to my elbows re-organizing and cleaning) and working on the yard (weeding...