Homeschool Room — Transformed!
Yesterday, I mentioned that my friend and I had some really lengthy conversations about homeschooling. We both really want to change up our writing time. I’ve been spending months and months reading books about writing and feel like I have some really wonderful ideas and direction for this part of our homeschool. When I got back, I decided I really wanted a spot where I could feature some of the mentor texts we’ll be using, have a place for the kids’ writing journals, supplies and things like that. I started tearing part of the room apart. I didn’t think to take a picture before I started… but snapped this picture part way through.
This area of our homeschool room was always a bit of a dumping ground because it can’t be seen with the way the furniture was arranged. I pulled everything out and started sorting and tossing stuff!
So here is that same area — after hours of work!
I also spent a lot time creating some writing pointers for the kids. I laminated them and will slip them out of sight under that bookshelf. (I’ll share those in another post in the next week or two.) We spend a lot of time gathering together on the floor.
We’ll be writing every day… three days a week we’ll be using mentor texts and have short lessons based on those. The other two days we’ll just spend a short time writing. This is also the area where we’ll be doing spelling. We use the program, All About Spelling.
At the beginning of the summer, a friend of ours was giving away an old couch. I decided that we could really use that extra space for reading… especially as the weather gets cold and we start using the wood stove each day!
At the moment, we have the microscope set up on top of the woodstove. The kids have been checking out all the slides. (We bought the microscope and slides from someone who was no longer homeschooling.)
We generally do collection (science, history, art, etc.) right behind the couch. I have a spot where I can put papers. Right now, ED also has her calendar stuff in that area too.
I really haven’t changed our workbox area.
If you turn slightly, this is the wall that has the desks. This is the art table, then LD’s desk. The girls’ desks aren’t in the picture, but you get the idea.
It feels great to have clean up and cleaned out a lot of extraneous stuff. We’re excited for the new semester!