Author: Liesl - Homeschool Den


Petrified Forest, Grand Canyon, & Yellowstone Highlights Video and More!

It’s taking me longer to go through the pictures to share them than the trip itself!! I’m excited because today not only do I have some photos to share, but I also put together a 5-minute video of Yellowstone. A week or so ago I shared our photos from Canyon de Chelly.  From there we continued west through Arizona, first to the Petrified Forest and then on to the pueblo...


5 Things you Can Do This Summer to Get Ready to Homeschool

For many of us it is mid-summer. Homeschooling seems far away still, though we know it’s lurking around the corner. We don’t want to be caught completely unprepared, right? Here are some things that we can do now to make the transition easier when we return: 1) Turn in your Notice of Intent (if your state requires one) – Get this done and turned in so you don’t have to...


Canyon de Chelly, (In the Navajo Nation)

We arrived at the Spider Rock Campground at Canyon de Chelly in the evening after a full day (about 10 hours!!) of driving… Howard, the owner of the campground was amazing and treated us like long-lost friends!!  (I had emailed with him a number of times to make sure we had accommodations since the kids and I had to drive hundreds (and hundreds!!) of miles to get there.) We had...


World’s Only Diamond Mine Open to the Public & Acoma Pueblo Sky City (NM)

When we were planning our trip out West, I purchased a book of some of America’s best geological sites.  I read about the Crater of Diamonds state park and the kids were beside themselves at the thought of being able to search for *real* diamonds!! This state park is the world’s eighth largest diamond-bearing volcanic crater. We camped in the state park and tried our hand at diamond mining! Many...


Our 7,000 Mile Trip Out West!!

Just a few days ago, the kids and I got back from a 7,000 mile cross-country trip. We visited more than 10 national parks and monuments as well as a number of famous state parks.  We spent time looking for diamonds in the world’s only diamond mine open to the public, had a long tour of Canyon De Chelly which we had studied about this spring with a Navajo guide...


Summer Activity Ideas

Here are some fun summer activities you might enjoy doing with your kids this summer! A Huge List of Summer Activity Ideas! Nature Scavenger Hunt: Send your kids outside to complete this scavenger hunt! This printable is free! 🙂We also have a photo hunt: Have them take photos of the things on the list:Set up an Outdoor Treasure Hunt with QR Codes! Kids use the QR code reader to find...


25 Beloved Books for Kids Ages 8-12

Today I’m going to share a list of chapter books for older kids.  This is a great selection of books. We’ve now read every book on this list (and then some!!).  Many of them we read aloud together.  I loved Hatchet so much that I read this aloud with LD and then read it again to DD just this year.  Sometimes its fun to share the excitement together. Our family...


Summer Activities: Science, Engineering, and Math Fun!

Here are some fun summer activities you might enjoy doing with your kids this summer! Today’s post highlights some fun engineering, science and math activities you can do this summer! Summer Fun: Science, Engineering, and Math Ideas  Egg Drop Challenge: Give the kids various supplies (cups, paper bags, yarn, scissors, hole punch, tape, and some coins). Have them design a parachute that will safely let an egg drop to the...


25 Beloved Picture Books for Kids Ages 4-8

We absolutely love reading. This is a book I compiled one summer of the books our family loves!  Just click on the picture or link below to print out the list. Books–25 Beloved Books Free Printable Lists 25 Beloved Books for 4-8 Year Olds (In no particular order) These are affiliate links. Millions of Cats  by Wanda Gág Miss Nelson Is Missing!by Harry Allard Strega Nona: Book & CD by...

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Summer Activity List (350+ Activities for Kids)

There are so many amazing activities that kids can do that don’t involve electronics.  This is a HUGE list of fun activities that will get your kids ENGAGED! Here are some examples: Cabin Camping, Camp Fire Songs, Candle Making, Candy Making, Candy Tour, Canning, Car Wash, Card Games, Card Making, Cardboard Boat Race, Carnival, Caroling, Cave Tour, Cemetery Walk, Ceramics Mug Pottery Wheel, Challenge Course, Chemistry Day, Chess, China, Chili...

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Summer Travel Log Printable (Free!) – Travel Ideas for Kids!

Today I have a free USA Road Trip Travel Log for you!! Hopefully, this will help you keep your kids entertained if you plan to travel a lot this summer.  Plus, I’ll share some of the travel activities to make the car trip more fun!! So first, about the printables: I made this Travel Book for the kids for our huge trip out West this summer. It’s about 40 pages,...

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Science Year in Review 2015-2016

Today I’m going to talk about the science units we covered in our homeschool this year AND what we didn’t get to because we ran out of time!!!  My plans are always a bit more ambitious than what we actually cover, but even so it felt like we accomplished a lot! 🙂 This year the kids were in Grades 2, 5 and 7, but below you’ll also find some resources...


History Units: Year in Review 2015-2016 (Grades 2, 5, 7)

In today’s post, I thought I would re-cap our school year.  Looking back, it’s been a really great year! The chart below shares links to some of the history units we covered in our homeschool.  As you’ll see below, I made notebook pages and packets to go along with most of the units we covered. 🙂 This year the kids were in Grades 2, 5 and 7.  We do our...

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Learning the Multiplication Tables (2s through 9s)

Multiplication and Division Bundle – 250+ pages of Worksheets, Games & Activities (15 pdfs and growing!) When my youngest was 8, she took on the big math task of learning all of her multiplication tables. As my daughter moved into learning her multiplication facts I looked around for the kind of multiplication practice that would help her. The math book she was using went through the math facts a bit...