Author: Liesl - Homeschool Den

Learning a Foreign Language - homeschool 0

Foreign Language: Topics for Beginning Language Learners

Are you teaching your kids a foreign language in your homeschool?  I put together a free checklist of topics and units you might want to cover… no matter which language your student is learning. As I was polishing up the Curriculum Resource Guide for middle school ages (Grades 6-8), I got to the section on foreign languages.  I thought it might be useful if I put together a checklist of...

Multiplication and Division Worksheets 0

Multiplication and Division Practice Packet: Doodle Animals

Over the past year, I have made lots of fun math packets for my daughter to learn her multiplication and division facts. My daughter is polishing up all of her multiplication and division facts at the moment.  I made this new practice packet for her to review her multiplication and division facts – 2s through 9s.  Our latest multiplication/division packet has 25 pages of worksheets. I usually let my daughter...

Free Astronomy Worksheets Middle School 0

Free Astronomy Worksheets – Middle School

Today, I have a few astronomy worksheets to share with you.  I made these for my older two (who are in grades 6 and 8).  Here are some of the astronomy topics we talked about: What is an AU (astronomical unit)? the layers of the Sun the Sun’s atmosphere solar flares, sunspots, flages planetary orbits, Kepler’s Laws asteroids, comets Last week, I shared a free packet about the planets of...

Math Fact Game 0

Math Ladder Game (Free Printable)

My kids *loved* playing games to help them learn their math facts.  I made a fancy version of amath fact game we used to play. It’s free to download! This game takes less than 10 minutes to play (though perhaps more if your kids are like mine and beg to play again and again!!). To play this game, you need a die or a wooden cube with the numbers 1...

Free Planets of the Solar System Worksheets 4

Free Planets of the Solar System Worksheets

Today we have a free set of worksheets you about the planets of our solar system. These will work for a wide range of ages – PreK to Grade 5 or so. Here what is included: Solar System Poster Inner – Outer Planets fill-in-the-blank page – Fun Clipart Remembering the Planets – Mnemonics Inner – Outer Planets fill-in-the-blank answer page Our Solar System – Fun Clipart – Tracing Page Solar...


Our Spring Break

Our spring break has just about come to an end… Ahh… Can’t tell you how refreshed we all feel! My folks invited us down to the beach for some R&R.  We spent time at the Outer Banks in North Carolina. It was fairly nice weather while we were there.  While it was too cold for me and hubby, the kids still braved the waters a little bit. They must have...

How many homeschoolers are there in the US - stats 0

How Many Homeschoolers Are There? (And other Homeschool Stats!)

This time of year, many people are looking into homeschooling for the first time.  It can feel momentous to make the decision to homeschool. I thought I would share some stats so you know that you are not alone! This post shares some graphs and statistics about some of these topics: How many homeschoolers are there in the U.S.? How do the numbers of homeschoolers compare to the numbers of...


3 Reasons Why Breaks are GOOD!

In our culture, we seem to reward and admire those who put in long, hard hours at work. Even school districts have succumb to the notion that longer school days and less recess will improve student performance. But scientifically that doesn’t make sense.  When you are truly working hard, your brain needs a break. The brain represents 2% of the body’s weight, but requires almost 25% of its oxygen. If...

Britain geography landmarks packet 2

Britain Geography and Landmarks Packet

Today I have a new packet to share with you about the geography and famous landmarks of Britain.  We have been studying the history of Britain.  I wanted the kids to be familiar with some of the well-known places of London (and Britain in general). That way, when we talk about places like the Tower of London or Westminster Abbey, they would be able to envision these famous buildings. Better...

Easter QR code multiplication cards 0

Easter QR Code Multiplication Games

Active Easter Multiplication Games for 3s, 4s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s We absolutely love active math games.  With the weather getting nicer, I thought I’d put together some fun games for the girls to practice their multiplication math facts.  I made a set of multiplication cards for the 3s, 4s, 6s, 7s, 8s, and 9s multiplication tables. The answers are on the QR code reader. Here are some of the...

German Worksheets Advanced Beginners Intermediate 0

German Curriculum Units for Kids (Advanced Beginners)

German for Kids: Curriculum Units/Plans for Advanced Beginners I wanted to share a post about our German lessons now that the kids are beyond the beginning stages. I would still consider my kids advanced beginners (or pre-intermediate). The kids are learning German as their foreign language in our homeschool.  I have a lot (at least a dozen!) German textbooks, but none of them have worked perfectly for us due to...

Free Skip Counting Worksheets 2s 3s 4s 5s 10s 0

Spring Skip Counting Mazes – 2s 3s 4s 5s 10s (Free!)

We have some fun spring butterfly skip counting practice sheets to share with you today! These skip counting worksheets are free to download! These colorful skip counting mazes cover the 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s. Before the kids tackle the mazes, have them fill out the missing numbers in the skip counting rows.  Then move on to the maze.  Have your student start with the number and skip count...

homophone free worksheet to too two their they're there its it's 0

Free Homophone Practice Worksheet (to-two-too, there-they’re-their, etc.)

Today, I have a free homophone practice worksheet to share with you.  I often make new worksheets when I notice particular problems crop up in the kids’ writing.  Today’s sheet highlights these homophones: to/two/too it’s/its are/our flower/flour there/they’re/their for/four It is free to download here: Free Homophone Practice Worksheet I have another set that we pulled out from a very long time ago.  🙂  If anyone has slightly younger kids,...

Age of Exploration Worksheets Notebook Pages 0

Age of Exploration Packet

Are you doing a unit on the Age of Exploration? Learn about all the famous explorers with this 70+page Age of Exploration Packet!  It includes worksheets/notebook pages, cards, and activities about the famous Explorers of the 1500s. Learn about: Prince Henry the Navigator Bartolomeu Dias Vasco da Gama Christopher Columbus John Cabot Amerigo Vespucci Vasco Núñez de Balboa Juan Ponce de León Ferdinand Magellan Hernán Cortés Francisco Pizarro Hernando de...