Author: Liesl - Homeschool Den

What Have We Been Up To?  Part 6 0

What Have We Been Up To? Part 6

The kids play really well together — and I snapped apicture of their set up of haunted houses and transformers.It was an involved game that lasted more than an hour!I’m always impressed at how creative the kids are intheir free play and find that a valuable part ofhomeschooling. The houses, by the way, are called “Sweet Streets” andwe got them used from another family for an amazingbargain!


Making Candy Corn

We all LOVED making and eating candy corn today. It is not sold here where we live.  We visited for instructions. It was easy, the kids enjoyed helping me and LD was impressed. “Wow Mom! YOU knew how to make real candy!!!” We halved the recipe which made more than plenty. As you can see, I added baking chocolate to make brown candy corn. Also, I made pumpkin balls...

Decorative Skulls 0

Decorative Skulls

This morning LD and I decorated skulls. I got this ideafrom First, he traced the outlineof a skull from a skeleton puzzle we have. Then he drewthe eyes, nose and mouth. We decorated it symmetricallyand cut it out. Then we put it up on our front door. Ourback-drop paintings are from the paint popping activity we dida few weeks ago.

A Scientist at Work 0

A Scientist at Work

Today we were very fortunate to have the opportunityto visit a scientist who works for our local museum. Hehas been working lately on cleaning up some fossils, thoughhe also does taxidermy as well. When we arrived, the kids showed him some of the fossilswe found a couple of months ago. (I’ll post a quick pictureof that below this.) Then Mr. I showed us around hislab. In the second picture below...

Fossils that we found back in June 0

Fossils that we found back in June

These are the fossils we took over to show the scientistthis morning. LD and DD selected their favorites andwere excited to be able to show him their finds. Theyhad a large tray of fossils just like these on one of thecounters in the science lab! I also posted a pictureof where we were when we found the fossils– againthese pictures were from June (not from today!)

The Smelly Room 0

The Smelly Room

Mr. I let us take a look in the “container,” a sealed roomthat was VERY VERY smelly. These are some of theanimals and critters he has preserved. Some of his specimensare on display in the museum. He and some otherscientists worked hard for 7 weeks (8am-midnight) to setup the display at our local museum (which we went to lastweek if you want to scroll down aways). He said he’d liketo...


When birds are nearly done he wraps them in wool orbatting to help keep the feathers down, otherwise thefeathers stick up in all different directions. Below are the freezers where he has lots of specimansready to be worked on. In there were birds, lizards,snakes and all kinds of various animals.

A Hike at Standley Chasm 0

A Hike at Standley Chasm

Before the weather becomes unbearably hot, I’ve beentrying to take the kids out a bit. We had an especiallyintense homeschooling day on Monday so I felt great aboutgetting out the next day. On Tuesday I took the kidshiking at Standley Chasm. The hike is gorgeous. The “fern”type plants you see are called cycads and have been aroundfor millions of years. They survive here in the Outbackin the cooler gaps and...

Homeschool Planners 0

Homeschool Planners

Free Homeschool Planner (for daily/weekly planning) And, if you are looking for some printables to create your own Homeschool Planner, you might want to check out our free Homeschool Planner. This unique homeschool planning packet is currently FREE to download! It is nearly 100 pages! Not only does this packet include daily and weekly planning pages, checklists and record keeping pages, but it also includes various homeschool journaling pages… think...

Plate Movements on Earth Cause Earthquakes and Volcanoes 0

Plate Movements on Earth Cause Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Our last experiment (demonstration perhaps is a better word) was on plate movements. We looked at a map of the world’s plates, then made our own out of clay. On each plate was a continent (raised) and ocean (lower parts). We talked about how plates move around. Under each plate we put some magma (corn syrup and red food dye). When the plates are moving nothing happens to the magma (picture 1) Sometimes plates...