Author: Liesl - Homeschool Den


An Interview with a Radical Unschooling Family

 Today I have the privilege of introducing Dayna Martin. She is a well-known leader in the unschooling community. She has been interviewed in dozens of television and radio pieces about radical unschooling. She speaks nationally and internationally at unschooling conferences. Dayna is a pioneer who has been at the forefront of the conscious parenting and unschooling movement for the past decade. Author of Radical Unschooling: A Revolution Has Begun, and...


World Biomes Pin Map

Are you asking yourself, “What in the world is a biomes pin map?”  It’s a map that shows where the rain forests, deserts, grasslands, forest and tundra regions are located. A pin map is when you stick straight pins into the labels so kids can pinpoint where things are located. There you go, sounds fancy, but really it’s not! 🙂   Before we really delved into our study of rain...


Aztecs and Incas

Last week we started a unit about the Aztec and Incas. This is a unit I’ve had ready for more than a year (books gathered, maps and sheets printed and ready for use). LD and DD insisted we dive in (in part because they knew we’d study the history of chocolate along with it!). We started out with a look at the Aztecs. We read this lovely story about the...

Girl Scouts Rock the Mall in Washington D.C. with a Quarter Million People! 4

Girl Scouts Rock the Mall in Washington D.C. with a Quarter Million People!

Today there was a huge event down at the mall in Washington D.C. to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts. DD was a Daisy Scout this past year and we went to the huge celebration with my niece (who is a Junior Girl Scout).  Wow! What an event! They announced that there were an estimated quarter of a million people there!  There were girls of all ages from...

Short-Term Goals and Planning: Our Upcoming Homeschool Units 6

Short-Term Goals and Planning: Our Upcoming Homeschool Units

This is the fifth post in a series about planning for the new school year. Here are the previous posts in this series: Here are the questions I consider. This post looks a back at our school year. I talk about what went well and what could use some improvement. I talked about how I  assess our homeschooling philosophy: Am I happy with *how* we are homeschooling? I talked a lot about...


Long Term Homeschooling Goals

This is the fourth post helping describe how I go about planning for the new school year. Here are the previous posts in this series: Here are the questions I consider. This post looks a back at our school year. I talk about what went well and what could use some improvement. Yesterday’s post talked about how I  assess our homeschooling philosophy: Am I happy with *how* we are homeschooling? I...

Homeschool Workboxes 8

Assess Your Homeschool Philosophy: Are you happy with *how* you are homeschooling?

There are so many different styles of homeschooling and each family will pick and choose the elements that suits their homeschool style. If your homeschooling is anything like ours it evolves continually as you find what suits each child. Some of the homeschool styles you may have heard about include: Classical education Charlotte Mason Montessori Unschooling Unit Studies Virtual Homeschooling Waldorf Eclectic Living Books — Well, I’ve never heard anything...

American West Activities 2

Looking Back at our Homeschool Year

I started a series of posts to help explain how we plan for the next year.  In yesterday’s post,  I listed out the questions I ask myself as I plunge into the planning process. The next few posts I’ll tell you my answers to these questions. I’ll also tell you some of the books, websites and other resources I use in the planning process. Today, I’m going to look over...

Planning for the New Homeschool Year 8

Planning for the New Homeschool Year

Someone recently asked me, “How do you plan for your school year?” I thought this would be an easy answer, but the more I thought about it, the more complicated my answer became. There are so many things I do as I plan. I thought I would answer this in a series of posts. Today I’ll share the general questions I ask myself. In the coming days, I’ll share the...

What Happened to Amelia Earhart in her Round-the-World Flight 75 Years Ago? 1

What Happened to Amelia Earhart in her Round-the-World Flight 75 Years Ago?

Since I’m on the topic of famous aviators, there is a fascinating conference being held in Washington DC this weekend to present and discuss research findings about the famous female aviator, Amelia Earhart.  She and her navigator, Fred Noonan, disappeared in 1937 during her attempt to make a round-the-world flight. For seventy-five years no one knew what had happened to them. Some thought they crashed and sank.  At 7:42 on July...

Wright Brothers 1

Wright Brothers

In the late 1800s, a bishop and a professor were talking about the future. The bishop was of the opinion that everything about nature had already been discovered and all the useful inventions had been made.   The professor politely told the bishop that he was mistaken. In fact, the professor said, we’ll be able to fly through the air in a few years.  The bishop said that was nonsense....

Clues to the 400+ Year Mystery of Roanoke Island 3

Clues to the 400+ Year Mystery of Roanoke Island

Have you heard of the Lost Colony? It’s a mystery that has lasted more than 400 years.  We delved a bit into that mystery last week! Roanoke Island Festival Park was an amazing interactive history site.  The kids and I spent over six hours learning about the Lost Colony of Roanoke Island.  Back in 1587 a second attempt was made by Sir Walter Raleigh to create a lasting settlement in...


Ocean Unit Freebies

Since I talked so much about the ocean yesterday, I thought I would share some of the ocean related freebies I made for our ocean unit last fall.  I hope someone finds these helpful. Remember, crustaceans, arachnids and insects are all part of the arthropod group (look at this chart to see what I mean).  This is not a complete list of invertebrate groups, just some of the ones we studied last...


Seashore Life

Last week we joined my folks, sister and brother-in-law and my two nieces and nephew on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Because they are homeschoolers as well, we took advantage of the pre-season prices and lack of crowds to enjoy time off together at the shore. We had such a great time — splashing in the waves, building sand castles, being buried in the sand, riding in the waves...