Don’t forget to Subscribe!
I was busy last night and didn’t get the Newsletter out, but I should have it out tonight or tomorrow morning. Today’s theme is MOTIVATION. If you’re interested in being on the Homeschool Den email list here’s the link.
Why do you want to be on the Homeschool Den email list?
- With Facebook’s reach going down and down, it’s a great way to hear about our materials. We have hundreds of free printables and I’m putting out new material and updates pretty regularly! 🙂
- It’s a good way to keep up with seasonal posts. I’ve made lots of seasonal and holiday materials. I share those in the newsletter.
- I love staying in touch with the Homeschool Den community! You all really rock (and I love, love when you hit reply to my emails!)
Hope to see you there! ~Liesl
P.S. I just sent out the latest email newsletter. You will find some our most recent newsletters online here — here — and the most recent one (March 17th) here.
Why join our newsletter?
- In each email, I try to highlight a half-dozen free resources tucked away on the blog plus seasonal printables that might be of interest.
- When I have things on offer at a discount, you’ll be among the first to know! (Sometimes things are available for at a discount or free just for a limited time.)
- Plus, a few things will be available just to email subscribers.
- Finally, emails are more personal so it’s just a nice way to keep in touch with loyal readers and those who have purchased our products.
How often will you hear from me?
- In general, I expect to email about once every week or two… really it depends on how crazy life here at home is!!
What will be in the newsletter?
- A bit of chit-chat. Links to the week’s new posts. Links to various printables. And other things as I think of them.
Who am I?
I’m Liesl and I’ve been an educator all around the world… and for my kids from the beginning! Before I had kids I taught both on the high school and college level here in the U.S. Overseas I taught a wide range of ages… from 1st through 12th grades! I taught in a small town in Hungary with the Peace Corps for a couple of years (Beszelek egy kicsit Magyarul!) and also taught while we lived in Australia (for 12 years). Oh, and I also taught college classes at that time too; history was my field.
I love creating curriculum and love making things engaging and fun for the kids. Did you see this hands-on activities page?! I shared TONS of pictures! This page has a wonderful free printable list of homeschool teaching strategies (and hands-on activity ideas).
I love music (I play the oboe & guitar, sing in a choir), sports (I was a marathon runner, though because of weird/horrible ear & balance issues I now have to workout at the gym. If you’re curious about my challenging ear issues — horrible symptoms that led to my being incapacitated for months, 6 surgeries in 8 months and in the end going deaf in that ear… you might visit this video-post.
Okay… but back to the positive!! I love playing board games (Settlers of Catan is my current favorite and I’m always *trying* but usually not winning against DD!!). And, I’m a sci fi fan. 🙂 I love reading, traveling and just love, love homeschooling and being with my family!
You can read more about me/us here!
See you again soon!
P.S. You can find more about our Privacy Policy by visiting this page.
P.P.S. I try to keep the list fresh, so if subscribers don’t open emails for a while they are removed (or if your needs change, you can always unsubscribe with the link provided at the bottom of the email).