Greek Myths for Kids – Download Free Stories at StoryNory
This summer, hubby and the kids are going on a long road trip and will spend a lot of time in the car. (I’ll stay back at home because I’m recovering from ear surgery.) For years and years we have loved and listened to the free audiobooks provided by Natasha over at StoryNory. We love her Katie stories and fairy tales. This summer, though, it is time to revisit some of the Greek Myths she has recorded. We listened to them a lot when LD was 5-7 or so. Now that ED is that same age, it’s time to bring out these tales again. We love the Odyssey stories. StoryNory’s Greek Myths include:
- Helen of Troy
- Troy
- The Wooden Horse
- In the Cyclops Cave
- Circe the Beautiful Witch
- The Homecoming of Odysseus
- The Minotaur
- The Boy Who Flew Too High
- The Midas Touch
- Orpheus
- Dido and Aeneas
- Jason and Medea
- Hercules
I put these on my IPod by right clicking on the green play button, selecting “Save Link As…” and saving them to a folder on my computer. Then I added it to our library on the IPod.
Update: Storynory is also available in iTunes.
The Greek myths are perfect for a short ride around town too as each story is about 15-20 minutes long. The stories are great for kids 4-12 (even for me!!).
Greek Classic Books: When LD was little we read Mary Pope Osborne’s Tales from the Odyssey. We enjoyed her books a lot and so recently I brought them back out to read with ED and DD. The girls are loving these books and beg me to keep reading! They are a quick read and perfect for early elementary. We have the older set of six books, but now you can purchase them in two volumes. Tales from the Odyssey, Part 1 (affiliate link) has her first three books,Tales from the Odyssey, Part 2 (affiliate link) has the last three.
Update: We wound up reading all six books again last summer. The kids *loved* them and we highly recommend these books.
I’ve also heard great things about Rosemary Sutcliffe’s books — Black Ships Before Troy: The Story of The Iliad (affiliate link) and The Wanderings of Odysseus (the versions that are illustrated by Allan Lee). I’m hoping to read these with ED and DD at some point soon and I’ll let you know what we think of those.
Update: We also read the first book, Black Ships Before Troy. We loved the illustrations. The story was pretty good, but we definitely were more riveted by the Mary Pope Osbourne books (above).
Changing the subject back to StoryNory… StoryNory also has a huge selection of fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christen Andersen, Perrault, Aesop, World Fairy Tales and more.
My kids love the Katie, The Ordinary Witch stories. Katie is an ordinary girl who goes to school, does her lessons and plays like everybody else. But her mother is a witch. Katie gets into all kinds of adventures at school because of her magic.
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