Scholastic Dollar Sale on Hundreds of Books!
Update Tuesday morning Jan. 15th: I just checked and it looks like the sale has now ended.
I want to spread the word that the wonderful Scholastic Dollar Deals sale is back! I’ve bought and downloaded dozens of books and resources over the past couple of years and use lots and lots of them in our homeschool. I’m not sure when the sale ends. The website states “we have extended the sale due to technical difficulties.”
In fact, I had downloaded the 5 Minute Daily Practice Fractions and Decimals last spring and have been using it with LD this past week to introduce some new terms to him. It too is on sale for $1.00. I’m considering getting another fun resource on fractions called Fun-Flap Math, Fractions and Decimals.
I used the Body Book a year or so ago with the kids. It has terrific hands-on projects. It is normally $18.99 and is available as an e-book during this sale for $1.00!
I’ve had my eye on a book called Banish Boring Words for the past year. Last spring they didn’t put it on sale, but today it’s on sale for $1.00! Hooray!! Guess what’s in my shopping cart!
I think I’m also going to get this 300-page book called The Great Big Book of Funtastic Math (for grades 4-8):
They have cute resource books like this Animal Habitats project book. I used a few of these projects with my girls last year.
I’ve gotten a lot out of a lot of the writing books they offer such as this Big Book of Ready-to-go Writing Lessons:
You can purchase books on
- writing, grammar, spelling
- reading (phonics, literature guides and much more)
- math (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, decimals, measurement and more)
- science (like this Human Body project book)
- social studies (like this project book on Southwest Indians)
- critical thinking (such as Analogies: Gr 4-5)
Our homeschool has benefited SO much from their previous dollar sales. Thanks Scholastic!
Oh–and I’m not affiliated with Scholastic in any way, I just sure do value these terrific sales!