Games for Thinking and Learning: Lab Mice

This is a series about the logic and critical thinking games we play in our homeschool.  We have a table in our homeschool room and I rotate in new games a couple of times a week. These are all games we’ve acquired for schooling (I haven’t received them to review).  Back in September I explained…

Why games?

  • They’re fun.
  • They can be challenging and helps kids (and adults!) apply creative strategies to problem solve.
  • They can sharpen the ability to focus and can help increase attention span.
  • They can help with visual perception.
  • Games can sharpen logic and critical thinking skills.
  • For the younger kids games can help with number, letter, and shape recognition; grouping; and counting.
  • Some of the games promote problem-solving.
  • Games can trigger creativity and innovation.
  • They can promote social skills such as taking turns and being a good sport.
  • Games can help children to lose graciously.
  • They can teach perseverance and not to give up. You might be losing, but with a twist of fate you can suddenly come out on top!

Today I’m going to highlight a game called Lab Mice.

P1210801LabMice This game comes with a set of cards and a dry erase marker.  The object is to connect all the mice to their cheese (red mouse to red cheese) without crossing any other mouse’s path.

P1210807LabMiceWhat a HUGE hit this game was with the kids.  We all love this game and there are so many levels it keeps all of us (including me!) thinking and trying to work out the solution!

P1210809LabMiceWe chose to put the cards into our dry erase activity center just to make sure the cards stay pristine.

Even ED worked on the puzzles, though as you can see she didn’t quite get the idea that only one mouse could go through each square.


This has been part of a series called Games for Thinking and Learning. You can see past posts by going to Categories in the right sidebar and selecting “Games.”


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