Art Lessons My Kids Love
We don’t have the kids enrolled in any formal art program nor am I an artist! I have really benefited from the expertise of an art teacher named Kathy who shares the projects and lessons she does with her elementary students at Art Projects for Kids. If you are looking for some wonderful lessons to do with your kids this summer, you might want to check out Kathy’s website. You can even search by grade in the left sidebar of her website.
Here’s a picture I took last spring of the kids reveling in the new drawing lessons I had just printed out!
The kids quickly set to work:
I have a complete binder PLUS two spaces on the walls in our homeschool room are dedicated to her drawing lessons.
I find the girls drawing all the time just because they want to! That’s the best kind of learning.
Thank you to Kathy over at Art Projects for Kids for the free lessons she shares with all of us!
That is a great , informal way to do art. I’ve found that strewing things like that can be a great way to introduce new ideas/ topics.
That is a great , informal way to do art. I’ve found that strewing things like that can be a great way to introduce new ideas/ topics.