Tagged: homeschool motivation
Two different people reached out to me this week and asked similar questions — How do we stay motivated? How do we go on, when we just don’t have the energy? If you’re feeling discouraged or out of patience, if you are having a hard time… know that you are not alone! It is quite common for homeschoolers – and teachers – to reach a tough patch in the middle...
Most every year around mid-semester, I wrestle with some of the same problems. Maybe you’ve noticed this too: Being tired Feeling overwhelmed Letting things slide Having too many commitments Feeling like the kids aren’t “doing” enough Feeling doubt Feeling really critical or cynical, irritable or impatient Feeling frustrated or anxious I find myself reaching for education and teaching books, hoping to find the perfect motivational nuggets to get me through...
It’s mid-winter. It’s cold and there’s still plenty of school left in the semester. How do we keep ourselves motivated to homeschool? I’ve been thinking about that a LOT lately. When working with the kids, it’s not just having the activities ready, the books out, worksheets printed out. It’s the smile and positive energy that really inspires our homeschool. In that regard, there are times when I’m not doing my job. Call it...