247 Search results

For the term "summer activities".

Homeschool Language Arts: Our Year in Review and Resources Chart

Language arts is a subject that is always in progress, so it doesn’t make quite as snazzy of a year in review wrap-up, but I thought this might be a good opportunity to share some of our free grammar resources again in a nice, organized table form since those still are so popular. The chart also includes links to our popular Homeschool Writing Workshop series.  I’ve also included links to...


Christmas Music for Beginners

It has been quite a while since I last talked about music in our homeschool.  Things are going really well for the kids.  Right now we’re using a number of fun Christmas music activities to help the girls learn the notes and symbols. We’ve been playing Susan Paradis’ Christmas Light Bingo to keep reviewing the various music symbols: Although ED learns to play pieces pretty quickly on the piano, she...


What We’re Up to in Our Homeschool (Gr. 2, 5, 7)

This week I’m changing our “Thoughts on Teaching” series up a bit to write about how our homeschool days flow in general.  Each day is pretty different from the one before and is usually a result of what we didn’t get to (or got to only minimally) the day before.  But I keep a general running tab (mentally if not by checklist!) of what we’re doing in each subject. So...


Chemistry Unit: The Periodic Table

This semester we did a new unit on chemistry and focused on the Periodic Table. We typically use secular resources, but I previewed Chemistry 101: An Overview of God’s Chemical World over the summer on the recommendation of a close friend. It is a wonderful resource. I found the video to be really well done (the kids really enjoyed it) and while there were a few references religion (especially in...


Free German Verb Worksheet

I have a couple of freebies for those of you studying German with your kids: German verbs and verb endings and one on objects in an office or schoolroom. We spent several days looking more closely at the endings on German verbs and practicing some of these new words: fragen – to ask gehen – to go gewinnen – to win glauben – to think, to believe, heissen – to...

German Clothing - Kleidung 0

German Conversation Cards and Worksheets: Clothing – die Kleidung

Are you practicing clothing, shopping and colors in German with your kids? These are the worksheets and cards we used for this unit. As many of you know, we are studying German as our foreign language. (Why German? I studied German in high school and college, so it’s the language I’m most comfortable helping the kids learn.) This semester, we have daily conversation practice built into our day.  I made...


Music for Elementary: Music Symbols (Week 4)

This past week, we talked quite a bit about different music symbols such as treble clef, base clef, natural sign, flat and sharp symbols, crescendo, quarter notes, half notes, etc. etc.  (We also went over various notes as we’ve done previous weeks, though I won’t talk about those activities this week.) We played Music Bingo (the easy version). For the link to this and other free music activities, see our...

German weather seasons 0

German Conversation Practice Set: Weather, Days of the Week, Months, Seasons

Today I’m going to share our German worksheets about the weather and seasons, winter words and sickness/illness. These and a dozen other pdfs are icluded in German BUNDLE 1. I have found it difficult to find good German materials and curriculum for kids.  Early on we used a lot of free German worksheets and materials, but then at a certain point the kids were ready for more.  Last spring I...


Our First Day of (Home)School!! (Grades 2, 5 and 7 Curriculum)

Yesterday was our very first day school.  We had such an amazing summer (and more about that in another day or so), but it is also great to be back in the groove again!  I started the day with my new morning routine (I’ll talk about that more in another post too!), but it left me organized, energized, and ready to go with the kids! ED, of course, was the...

Music Curriculum for Beginners 7

Free Beginner’s Music Curriculum: Learning Notes, Rhythm, Music Notation and More!

I had a realization recently.  While the kids can play pieces on the piano, they cannot read music! So, the plan is to slowly but surely make sure they learn and build on those skills. I hope they learn at least two octaves of notes and their corresponding location on the piano/keyboard. I also want them to learn some of the basic music symbols and music notation. I gathered a...


German Curriculum for Kids

For German this year, we are going to use a number of resources. If you have followed our blog for a while, you know that we used a lot of free resources to build up their basic skills… numbers, colors, animals, basic greetings, etc. You’ll find links to those at the bottom of this post. This year, we will be buckling down a bit more.  Just so you know, I...


A Passel of Past Posts #4

Welcome to the 4th post in this summer series. I am highlighting a “passel” of posts in this series. This is just a random assortment of activities, printables and posts that you may have missed in the six years I’ve been writing this blog!! Hope you find something useful today. Vertebrate – Invertebrate Cards – These sorting cards are free!! They are useful as kids start learning about classifying animals...


A Passel of Past Posts #3

So by now you’ve got the drill! This is the third in this series highlighting a random number of our previous posts.  Assortment is probably the key word here because this list is in no particular order. I hope you find a gem or two that you can use in your homeschool or classroom!  ~Liesl And now… on to the meat of this post! Rocks, Rocks, Rocks!  We did a...


Pluto – Fascinating Facts to Share with the Kids!!

We are all pretty excited about the fly-by of Pluto.  We get pretty excited about space and science over here and I thought I’d share a few of the really cool things we’ve learned. On Tuesday (July 14), the US spacecraft, New Horizons, will fly by Pluto. It will come closest on Tuesday morning — at 7:49 a.m. EDT.  The fly-by will last for just 8 to 10 hours.  It will...