162 Search results

For the term "africa".

Learning about the New Catholic Pope

I felt it was important to talk to the kids a bit about the newly elected pope, Pope Francis. We’ve been listening to the news and talking about it a bit, but I wanted to go into a little more detail tomorrow morning and made some pages for them to add to their history notebook. We are not Catholic, but Grandma is. My Mom died a couple of years before LD...


Learning About Islam – Free Worksheets and Resources for Kids

This year we are studying World Cultures and our focus has been on Africa.  Before we delve further into the culture and history of northern Africa, I wanted to help the kids understand a bit about Islam. Here is a set of worksheets I made for the kids as we learned a bit about Islam. This might also be helpful if you are doing an introduction to world religions.  You...


What Do We Cover in Our Homeschool Each Day?

Someone had a great question for me yesterday.  Since I usually just post about one topic at a time on the blog she wondered what else we cover each day. I thought I’d stick my answer into its own post since other’s might be scratching their heads wondering if we have regular stuff we cover.  Here was my answer… We usually have one or two units going on… right now...

A Shocking Number of Girls Don’t Go to School Worldwide 0

A Shocking Number of Girls Don’t Go to School Worldwide

A few nights ago as I watched the evening news, I heard a statistic that really startled me. The story was about the teen activist who was shot by the Taliban in Pakistan for arguing for girls’ education.  At the end of the segment ABC World News said that 32 million  girls don’t go to school. Wow!  The World Bank Education Statistics Newsletter confirmed that and even had an interesting graphic: It looks...


Hands On Experiences at Colonial Williamsburg

Over the course of the week we met families from Georgia, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Ohio and New York who had come Colonial Williamsburg for the homeschool experience.  During homeschool week they had lots (and lots) of children’s activities.  Every activity we went to was absolutely terrific and educational.  Here are some of the things we attended during the week: We did both the normal orientation walk as well...

Our Homeschool Curriculum (Grades 2 and 4) 6

Our Homeschool Curriculum (Grades 2 and 4)

Lots of people have shared their school plans for this next year in the not-back-to-school blog hop: curriculum week.  In fact, I shared our preschool curriculum plans several weeks ago. Now finally, here are our basic plans for DD and LD this next year.  While they work on their own levels for math and language arts, we do most of our other units together. As you’ll see, much of our day...


K4 Preschool Plans for the Fall

Last week we started back to school, but I thought I’d spend a few minutes sharing our overall goals this for this next semester. I’ll start off sharing our plans for ED’s preschool. Early next week I’ll share the plans for DD (age 6) and LD (almost 9). Math This year I decided to go with Right Start Math Level A for ED (age 4).  I did this curriculum with...

Fun Geography Board Game 0

Fun Geography Board Game

A couple of years ago we bought a geography board game called 10 Days in Europe that has been a wonderful addition to our homeschool. It is so much fun, I really recommend it for anyone looking for a new game to add to your collection.   I play this game with my 6 and 8 year olds, though I would say it’s more suited to the 8+ crowd (wonderful even...


The History of Chocolate from the Mayans and Aztecs… to Today!

Did you know that more than $90 billion a year is spent on chocolate around the world?  On Valentine’s American spend around $700 million on chocolate! These numbers are expected to grow as the population increases and the number of people in the developing world who can afford chocolate increases. Part of our study of the Mayans and Aztecs was to learn a bit more about the history of chocolate. ...

Short-Term Goals and Planning: Our Upcoming Homeschool Units 6

Short-Term Goals and Planning: Our Upcoming Homeschool Units

This is the fifth post in a series about planning for the new school year. Here are the previous posts in this series: Here are the questions I consider. This post looks a back at our school year. I talk about what went well and what could use some improvement. I talked about how I  assess our homeschooling philosophy: Am I happy with *how* we are homeschooling? I talked a lot about...


Long Term Homeschooling Goals

This is the fourth post helping describe how I go about planning for the new school year. Here are the previous posts in this series: Here are the questions I consider. This post looks a back at our school year. I talk about what went well and what could use some improvement. Yesterday’s post talked about how I  assess our homeschooling philosophy: Am I happy with *how* we are homeschooling? I...

Who are you Remembering for Memorial Day? 0

Who are you Remembering for Memorial Day?

Memorial Day was formerly known as Decoration Day and started after the Civil War to commemorate the fallen Union Soldiers. By the 20th century Memorial Day was extended to honor all Americans who have died in wars. Last week we spent the entire week with my family: my folks, my sister, brother-in-law and their three kids. We had some long conversations about the members of our family who have served...

Read Aloud Time 0

Read Aloud Time

Sometimes it’s a bit hard to describe how homeschooling works.  Lots of things happen simultaneously and our read aloud time is the best example of this.  This semester our read aloud time has been mostly centered around American history (though we also read a book about Isaac Newton). We were studying the American West and so we read the  Sign of the Beaver, Little House in the Big Woods, and The...


An Interview with a Classical Christian Educator: Part 2

This is a continuation of my interview with Brandy, author of Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood.  If you missed yesterday’s post (Part I) be sure to go back and read her description of classical education and the weekly educational community they participate in, Classical Conversations. The second part of this interview focuses a bit more on their day-to-day homeschool style. I often ask others if they have a particular style of homeschooling. How...