Category: Must Read

Oh, the Devastating Tragedy of Today’s Events 0

Oh, the Devastating Tragedy of Today’s Events

Every parent around the nation must be shaking with grief and horror for the parents and families who lost their children and loved ones today. My heart goes out to all of those families. It is hard to wrap my head around the numbers…20 children and six adults all lost their lives today in what should be a safe haven of love and learning, an elementary school. It chokes me...


Christmas Multiplication with Pete the Cat and the Christmas Pup (2s thru 5s)

The girls beg me daily for new “cute stuff” in their workboxes. The moment I have something for one–the other is clamoring for something new too! When I told DD about this new pack she ran as fast as she could to her math workbox, pulled it out and filled out the first page!  How’s that for motivation?!! DD is working on her multiplication tables from 1s through 5s.  I drew these...

When Tragedy Almost Strikes 3

When Tragedy Almost Strikes

I have two little stories to share…I’ll start with the less dramatic one. Yesterday afternoon I had just dropped the kids off at their art class. I was on a major road and stopped in the left turn lane to wait for the light to change so I could turn across the highway. The light finally turned red to bring the traffic going my direction to a stop. I’m not...


The Day in the Life of a Homeschooler

Every now and then I like to write up these posts. The first one I did was when the kids were 3 and 1 (and ED wasn’t born yet!)…I’ve done them periodically since then. This is a glimpse of what goes on when we’re actually home all day. It’s not a “typical” day because as homeschoolers each day is different than the day before–at least in our family. That’s what...


Last Night’s Biking Adventure

Twice a week, I pack up the bike and take DD out into the (flat, but unfamiliar) neighborhoods where my other kids have gymnastics practice. The weather has been so mild we’re still able to go out even in December! I had just put white/red bike lights onto her bike since it gets dark so early now. So, last night DD and I set out on our usual (5pm) bike...


Pete the Cat Unit – More Free Resources preK to 1st Grade

ED continued to work on things she selected from her workbox with the Pete the Cat theme. She worked through this addition page I made for her… Buttons Addition  for Pete the Cat Here’s ED doing the activity a couple of days ago: She loved the Pete the Cat Die and graph from Herding Kats. The Pete the Cat Roll and Color is by Shannon over at Kindergarten Hoppenings. ED especially liked...


Doubling Game (2+2, 3+3, etc.) with Pete the Cat

I made this gameboard to play with ED for math. It is the game “Bump,” for addition. Click here to download Pete’s Doubling Practice Gameboard  What you need: *Game board *Die with the numbers 1-6 *Two different types of tokens (one type per player) How to play: *One play rolls a die (with the numbers 1-6). *Double that number and cover one of the cats with her token. For example, if she...


Multiplication by 4s with Pete the Cat

DD has been enjoying the Pete the Cat books just as much as ED and she begged for some work of her own. She is just starting to learn her multiplication tables (1s through 5s, but this week she worked quite a bit on the 4s). Here are a couple of Pete the Cat themed multiplication pages that she worked through last week. I thought I’d share them with you...


Last Minute Girl/Boy Gift Ideas for 4-8 year olds ($5-15)

There are so many last minute gifts to get…your child’s secret buddy, your niece,  your neighbor’s son, the giving tree or your child’s best friend. Here are a couple of unique gifts we’ve given out because they were such HUGE hits with our own kids. 4- to 8-year-old girl The past month, my kids have been obsessed with fuzzy felt friends. We sent this kit as a gift to my 5-year-old (almost...

Art and Music (and extras) in Our Homeschool 4

Art and Music (and extras) in Our Homeschool

It’s that crazy time of year, isn’t it? This is the time of year when I have to look at the broad scope of learning and not focus on the spelling that doesn’t get done one day or the units that I’m dying to get into, but we can’t seem to find enough time at home to delve into them! Is it that way for you? On the other hand,...

Wake Up! My Child Has Asthma 0

Wake Up! My Child Has Asthma

You hear it on the news…asthma is on the rise. More and more people are diagnosed with asthma. Six million children have asthma. More than 22 million American have asthma. My son is now officially one of them. So why do I say, “Wake up”? Well, my son has had a spotty history of asthmatic episodes. For whatever reason, LD’s asthma is getting worse and the attacks are coming more...

Spelling Rules — Review Sheets 0

Spelling Rules — Review Sheets

Here are a bunch of pages I made for the kids for reviewing some of the spelling rules they’ve learned. I’ll share these with anyone who might be interested. We use All About Spelling. I also gave examples of answers at the back of the pack (not shown below). This small pack covers the following rules: Long A words Long E words Silent E rules Vowel Teams (ou, ow, oi, oy,...


Pete the Cat Unit

Last week I asked ED what she wanted to learn about. “Kittens!” she declared. I was thinking I would have her make a kitten lapbook, but the more I looked around, the more resources I found for some books called, Pete the Cat. I hadn’t heard of them before, but they seemed to be all the rage among the early elementary teachers who offered many Pete-the-Cat themed worksheets free on...


Could the Pyramids and Sphinx be Destroyed?

Since we are studying Ancient Egypt, this story is especially timely. The kids and I had some really deep discussions about this and the actual destruction of the Buddha of Bamiyan back in 2001. Some radical Islamists view the pyramids as symbols of paganism that should be destroyed. In fact, a couple of weeks ago (Nov. 10, 2012), Murgan Salem al-Gohary, the leader of Egypt’s ultra-conservative Salafist party called for the “destruction...