Author: Liesl - Homeschool Den


3–The Most Stressful Number of Kids

Would you agree with the survey that three is the most stressful number of kids to have?   I remember when I announced to my best friend that I was pregnant with my third, she was happy for me, but at the same time she said it was really, really hard.  Our kids are all a year apart so when I had a 1 and 3 year old, my friend...


Digestive System Hands-On Activities – Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestines

We did a lot of hands-on activities over the course of two or three weeks. I’m going to put them all into one post. These hands-on activities are all activities we did as we went through our Digestive Unit.  Be sure to check out our 150+ page Digestive System Packet too! Esophagus Activities: Does food fall down to the stomach? We proved that muscles helped move the food bolus down to...


20+ Board Books Recommendations

  We love books! When we lived overseas, the local library was quite lacking and we wound up with quite a collection of board books by the time all three kids were born!  ED still looks at these books pretty regularly and we’ll keep them around as she becomes a more confident reader (she’s still just reading simple 3 and 4 letter words). We actually have gotten rid of lots...


Preschool at Home: Science for 2-5 Year Olds (and Up!)

Amazing, Fun Science To Wow the Little Ones! One of the wonderful things I love about homeschooling is all the hands-on activities you can do with kids.  In the preschool years, I scoured the Internet and various science experiment books to find things that would intrigue and excite the kids… and that they could have a hand in doing.  Most of the things we did were done using household ingredients....


So, How Is Homeschool Life Going? – A Visit to Antietam and More

Dear Friends, I thought I’d spend a post just talking about our homeschool life in general. I find it therapeutic to write about how things are really going since single-themed posts (you know, about commas or slavery) don’t really give a thorough picture of life on the home front. It’s 10 pm on Wednesday evening. I’ve finally left LD’s room and the kids are in bed.  Whew! Hubby is currently in Australia and...


Comma Rules and Practice (Free Worksheets)

We’re coming down to the end of the school year and I wanted to make sure we reviewed a lot of the new comma rules we went over this year.  I made this sheet for my son and thought I’d share it with anyone else who might be interested. As always they are free to download. We read over the rules together, then he had to figure out which rule...


Transatlantic Slave Trade: Notebook Pages

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery in America As many of you know, we have been studying Africa this year in our homeschool.  As we finished up our studies of West Africa, we spent about a week learning about the Transatlantic Slave Trade and about slavery in general.  My kids had not yet studied this in history. We read a number of books… most of them had an incredible impact on...

Kids Can Cook Their Way to the White House! 0

Kids Can Cook Their Way to the White House!

I just read about the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge and wanted to spread the word! Does your child like to cook?  Kids ages 8-12 can submit original recipes to win tickets to a state dinner at the White House to eat some of these winning dishes with first lady, Michelle Obama.  The challenge is to create healthy recipes that include the five food groups either in one dish or in one...

Kids and Sports – Don’t Train Too Much 0

Kids and Sports – Don’t Train Too Much

My kids are quite involved in after-school sports and I worry a lot about them over-doing it as youngsters.  I really want to make sure that when they are in their 20s, 30s, and 40s they can be active and do the sports and activities they’re interested in.   I really love running and backpacking and am thankful that my high school and college sports didn’t leave me with any...


Preschool at Home: A Few Math Ideas for the 2 1/2 to 3-Year-Old Crowd

The last few weeks I’ve been trying to put together some posts for those who are interested in doing some preschool activities at home with their kids. Today, I thought I’d highlight a few things I did with my kids for math in the 2 1/2-3 1/2 age range. Here are some activities I did with ED when she was 2 1/2.  She was just learning to count up to...


Grammar Worksheets: Synonyms and Antonyms

I made a few matching worksheets for the kids to go over the concepts of synonyms (words that have a similar meaning) and antonyms (words that mean the opposite or nearly the opposite of each other).  Although the kids probably know most of these words, I’m going to have them work together to fill these out. If you’re interested you can download your own copy of these free grammar worksheets:...

I’m Worn Out 0

I’m Worn Out

We had a crazy busy weekend and it ended with LD being sick all night. We stayed close to home yesterday.  Last night, DD came down with the same bad tummy bug and tossed her cookies all night and into the morning.  I’m just feeling tired and worn out and have a bit of a headache myself.  I can think of twelve things I should do … especially yard work...


Field Trip! Visiting the Global Village at Heifer International

As I mentioned yesterday, the kids are raising money to buy some livestock for Heifer International.  When I looked on the map, I saw that the Heifer has various learning centers around the country.  We called and made arrangements to visit Shepherd’s Spring in Maryland. Oh my goodness, what an amazing trip we had!!! The program director was so engaging with the kids and she led us on a 3+...


The Kids’ Service Project – Selling Their Paintings to Raise Money to Buy a Goat, Sheep, or Chickens…

One of the lovely things about homeschooling is that we can reach out to our community — both near and far.  The kids and I helped a bit here in our community by volunteering at the local food pantry during the fall. They bagged apples and passed them out to people who came to the bi-weekly food bank.  This semester, we’re doing a service project that spins off from our...