Author: Liesl - Homeschool Den


Beat the Cold with these Science Experiments about Ice, Blubber and More!

Today many of the public schools are closed because of the incredible cold front that has come sweeping through.  I thought I should share some science experiments we did that might really get kids intrigued about the cold weather! Icebergs: Freeze water in a cottage cheese or large yogurt container. In one of the cartons you can place a wooly mammoth plastic creature if you have one! Have the kids...

Why Should Kids Study Languages? 1

Why Should Kids Study Languages?

U.S. students lag far behind in their foreign language capabilities compared to students in much of the world. The U.S. has a lot to learn from these countries. There are so many reasons to learn a foreign language. Learning a foreign language helps increase understanding of other cultures and introduces students to new ideas, customs, habits, and values. Put another way, learning a foreign language increases global understanding. It fosters respect...

You wake up on the weekend with all these plans… 0

You wake up on the weekend with all these plans…

only to find out that making a dog bed is on your agenda!!  ED decided she really, really had to have a dog bed for her pet puppy, Cookie. She and I put our heads together this morning, got out the fabric scraps, sewing machine and set to work! Now there’s a sense of accomplishment for 9am on a Sunday! It turned out pretty cute!  It’s fun to be a...


Living-Non Living Montessori Cards

Today I have some free Montessori-style Living and Non-Living Sort Cards for you!  🙂  Use these cards to sort into living and non-living groups. Behind the scenes I’ve been getting things ready for our upcoming science units. ED will be doing a bit of animal classification review and I made some new cards for her. I realized, though, that if any of my readers have younger kids in the 2-4...

milk-fireworks 37

Preschool Science at Home

Five or six weeks ago, someone asked me how I go about setting up our science units. I wanted to spend some time really laying out that process. Since we have homeschooled from the start, I thought it would make the most sense to talk about the preschool years first. (Click here to see the second post in the series: Science in the Elementary Years. Science in the preschool years:...

Our Homeschool Plans This Semester 4

Our Homeschool Plans This Semester

Over the holidays I spent a lot of time away from the computer (blogging, that is), but I did pull together plans for the new semester. Here’s what’s on the agenda: Science: We’ll be starting an earth science unit on weather, wind and water. We’ll be starting with an overview of the Earth’s 4 systems and then will learn about the atmosphere before continuing on to wind, weather, etc. daily...

Year in Review at NASA 0

Year in Review at NASA

A couple of days ago I mentioned how I really love the year-end wrap up programs.  I thought I’d mention that NASA has a Year in Review post that the kids and I really enjoyed.  When DD saw NASA’s photo of the newest astronaut class she said, “Go Girls!!” because there are 4 women and 4 men pictured! It was really tough to pick our favorite photos.  We loved the incredible...


3 Inspiring Books for Educators

You know a book is really great when you can’t read it without paper and pencil in hand to jot down all those flashes of inspiration! This break I’ve read several books for teachers that have really resonated with me. For those of you still on break, I thought I would mention them. Even if you’re not on break, they are inspiring and well worth squeezing in time to read...

New Years Self Reflection Questions 2

Self-Reflection Questions for New Years

The year is quickly coming to a close. I absolutely love the year end wrap-ups that come on TV… remembering and reflecting on the good, the amazing, the bad, the sad… And it’s worth thinking about our family’s own year in that same way.  Here are some questions to consider about the year. At the end of the post I’ll share a year-end wrap-up of my own. (It’ll be a...

A Mom’s Wishlist for Santa 0

A Mom’s Wishlist for Santa

Dear Santa, This year my 8-year-old daughter asked if I was going to write to Santa. She’s been writing to you all year and thinking very carefully about what she wants for Christmas.  It’s been a while now since I’ve taken the time to write to you, but I think I’ll do that this year! So Santa, I’d like to start off with the basics.  To be honest, I’m not...


Gandhi (Free Worksheets/Notebook Pages)

This week we finished up our studies of India with a close look at Gandhi, his life and contributions. We read a number of children’s books and biographies and watched highlights from the well-known movie, Gandhi.  There are a few parts of the movie that (in my opinion) are too rough for younger kids, but some of the scenes (the Indian country-side, the marches) were amazing! The movie is SO...


Free Christmas Music for Beginning Piano Players

My kids have been asking for more Christmas music to play on the piano. I went to two of my favorite music-related websites and saw both of them have free Christmas music for beginning piano players. Some of it is perfect for DD who is now on her second year of piano and some of it is great for ED who just started learning piano this fall. The first website is...


Free Christmas Math Games (Double Digit Number Game, Grid Game): Ages 4-8

Last week I shared some of the math card games I played with the kids.  Life has been busy and I only had the chance to print out these next two games yesterday.  I’ll share them with you today. These are a couple more games that use the Christmas Number Cards I shared last week. The first game is called the Quick Christmas Cross-Off.  It’s great for kids who are...