Author: Liesl - Homeschool Den


Math Curriculum Options & Active, Engaging Math Activity Ideas

In this series, I thought I’d try to offer new homeschoolers a starting point for finding homeschool curriculums that works for your family. Today I’ll be talking about math. It’s sometimes tricky to find the curriculum that works well for you and your kids. It’s helpful to ask around (online and in your community) to see what will work for your child.  If you can go to a homeschool curriculum...


How Do You Know What to Teach the Kids? Finding a Homeschool Curriculum

I’ve been asked fairly regularly, “How do you know what to teach the kids?”  That is definitely a daunting task, especially if you are pulling your child out of public/private school mid-year.  Homeschool does not have to look like traditional school and there’s no rule saying that learning has to come from books or a certain set of books.  There are a lot of homeschool curriculum options out there… and...


How To Start Homeschooling

When parents are thinking about homeschooling, they want to know exactly “how to start.”  That’s such a huge question I’ve actually written a book… or rather, most of a book. It’s about 200 pages and I’m still not quite done!  But I still want to write a shorter blog post to help those parents wondering what to do to get started homeschooling. First things first, make sure you find out...


Back to (Home)School Shopping List

The back to school sales are starting up where we live… and across the other side of the country, the kids’ cousins are back in the classroom next week. With that in mind, I thought it was time to share our homeschool shopping list. We try to top up on various supplies while the back-to-school sales are on.   Here are some of the things that we use in our...

How Long Will We Keep Homeschooling? (Homeschooling Through High School) 16

How Long Will We Keep Homeschooling? (Homeschooling Through High School)

This is the question our family gets asked most often… or some variation of it… Will you homeschool through high school? How will you teach the tough subjects like calculus? My son will be entering 6th grade this year… In our area he would be entering middle school.  DD is a 4th grader and ED will be in 1st grade. (You know, we’re homeschoolers so really they do work on...


How and Why Did We Get Started Homeschooling?

As I start off this series, I realize there might be some readers who are fairly new to our blog.  I thought I’d share how we got started homeschooling (and blogging about our adventures). Homeschooling was on our radar even before we had kids. My older sister had kids before we did. They decided to homeschool their kids just about the time we had our son, LD. Also, my cousin...


Fudge Brownie Cookies

  This is one of those recipes that absolutely everyone should have! They are very, very rich… and are melt in your mouth good! In a saucepan, place 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 2 oz (squares) chopped unsweetened chocolate 2 tablespoons butter On the LOWEST heat slowly melt the chocolate and butter. Stir constantly. When the chocolate is (mostly) melted remove from heat and add 2 eggs 2/3 cup sugar...

Free Fall 2014 Calendar Printable 0

Free Fall 2014 Calendar Printable

Behind the scenes, I have been starting to plan out our fall semester.  One thing I wanted right away was a calendar packet. I made one last spring and found it really useful.  I printed out two copies. One is for our school schedule. I will pencil in our units and trips to see what the semester will look like.  The calendar includes various holidays since we’ll be reviewing some...


Just Out in Nature!

Rivers, lakes, streams, ponds… we’ve enjoyed them all this summer!  The kids had a blast at our friend’s floating dock… They got a real kick out of the fish who would come and nibble on their fingers and toes! The kids have spent lots of time exploring and playing in the creek behind our house and looking out for critters. The tadpoles have turned into little froglets and the skinks...


Egg-tivity: Seatbelt Safety to Protect an Egg

While LD was away at summer camp, the girls did a few egg-tivities of their own. First in preparation for the activity, they made their own pinewood derby cars (just kits that we got from Michaels).   Once the paint was dry and the wheels were on, I told them they had a challenge… to create a seatbelt safety system to protect an egg as the car traveled down our...


Summer Activities: Tie Dye Shirts

It’s not summer if we don’t do some tie dying! Most every summer we get one of those kits to make our own tie-dyed shirts. The kids love doing this.  We used the Jacquard Tie Dye kit because it had such great reviews. The colors are definitely bright and vibrant. Our entire family aunts, uncles, cousins, kids were able to make shirts using this one kit. We had to buy...

Shakespeare for Kids (Books, Audiobooks, etc.) 0

Shakespeare for Kids (Books, Audiobooks, etc.)

This summer we spent a couple of weeks reading and exploring some of Shakespeare’s famous tales. If you visit your local library you’ll find tons of Shakespeare books in the junior section. I thought I’d highlight some of the ones that we really liked. Bruce Coville (author of the Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher) has retold a number of Shakespeare’s famous works. He incorporates famous lines into his own prose. This...


How To Make Cute Bead Snakes and Lizards Out of Pony Beads

Here’s another fun craft to keep the kids entertained when it’s blazing hot outside! A couple of years ago the kids’ cousins went to camp and taught DD and LD how to make these pony-bead snakes and lizards.  I thought they were so cute I thought I would share the general procedure here. At the bottom, I’ve included a pdf that you can download with these instructions. What do you...


Strategy Game: Quoridor (ages 6+)

I don’t know about you, but there are times when the kids complain about being bored and not having anything to do.  We’ve been trying to bring out some board games that don’t get much use during the school year. A couple weeks ago, I wrote about a game called Quarto. Another quick strategy game we’ve been playing this summer is called Quoridor. (affiliate link) The goal of this game is...