Monthly Archive: December 2013


Comma Rules and Practice Sheets (Free)

Last week I mentioned that we’ve been doing some grammar review again. We went over 11 comma rules. Then each day they’ve been doing  five or six sentences — adding in the comma where needed and identifying the comma rule that applies. My kids love science, so the comma worksheet has a lot to do with science this time. (There are sentences about the plague, polio, the Venus fly trap,...


Geometry Review Pack

Last fall (a year ago), LD did a unit on geometry. He needed some basic review of some of the things he learned — so I put together a small review pack for him. I’ll share it here for anyone who might find it useful. There are 6 pages, plus the answers. You can download the free Geometry Review Packet here: Geometry Review Worksheets He used the Geometry, Grades 6 –...


Free Writing Workshop Resource Pack (30-pages)

A couple of weeks ago, I started writing a series about how and why we started our own Homeschool Writing Workshop. This is the fourth post in the series. Since it’s been a while, let me link to the first few posts in the series Creating a Homeschool Writing Workshop — Post #1: How and Why We Got Started with a Workshop Model. Creating a Homeschool Writing Workshop – Post...

Post Thanksgiving Thoughts (Eating, Shopping, Stretching, Books I’m Reading and More) 0

Post Thanksgiving Thoughts (Eating, Shopping, Stretching, Books I’m Reading and More)

I hope everyone had a wonderful, safe Thanksgiving holiday.  Life seemed to charge forward at break-neck speed and suddenly it was Thursday — Thanksgiving. We hadn’t even bought a turkey!!  Since we didn’t have any extended family coming over (and the turkey was frozen solid!!!), we decided to have shrimp and veggies and a pumpkin pie on Thursday. Then we made the full spread on Friday (turkey, sweet potatoes, homemade...