Home School Blog Awards
Wow! I noticed just a few minutes ago that I was nominated for the HSBA homeschool blog awards in the category of “Best Super Homeschooler 2012.” I am so honored to be nominated, especially when I see the list of incredible homeschool blogs there. There are over 1,000 blogs nominated this year.
Voting ends Nov. 18th, you can click here to go cast your vote (or click on the nomination box below). Click below to see other great blogs nominated in my category.
Be sure to go visit the site to browse through and discover other wonderful homeschool blogs. Click on the link below and then scroll down to see all the categories (there are 20 separate categories this year):
Thank you to my amazing readers!! And thanks to the Homeschool Post for hosting this event.
I am just blown away!
What you may not know about me: I started blogging (but it wasn’t called that!) about fourteen years ago when we lived in central Australia. Hubby and I started a website to keep in touch with our family and friends while we were away. At first we wrote about our travels and posted pictures of our trips. Then we shared pictures of our growing family. One thing led to another and we wound up staying in Australia for 12 years. Once the kids were a bit older, the focus of my blog became almost exclusively about our preschool/homeschool activities. I decided it was time to start a new blog — and the Homeschool Den was born in 2009. (I included a collage of pictures down below from the early days of my blog.) It’s been a way to keep tabs on our activities. I can’t tell you how often I google “homeschool den ____” for my own activities… keeps me from scratching my head and saying… now what was it we did when we did when we studied the Black Plague? Nope, I just Google, re-read my own stuff and ta-da — I’ve got stuff set for the younger kids… and as I’ve seen over the years… for others of you out there too. It’s been a joy and a pleasure sharing all of our activities with you all.
About the collage: The pictures on the left show what it looked like in central Australia. Yes, we ALWAYS wore hats because the sun was so strong… and we often wore fly nets with our hats because the flies were so bad. There would often be hundreds of flies on our back if we went hiking (the flies were drawn to the moisture). I included some animal photos from our trips to the coasts. While there were kangaroo and wallabies where we lived, there weren’t any echidna (top center) koalas (top right), wombats (middle right) or Tasmanian devils (black animal eating the chick at the bottom). Want to see more? You can browse through the “Where We Live” category for more pictures of our life in Australia.
Congrats, Liesl!
Congrats, Liesl!