A Great Art Material for 4-10 year olds
LD has been gone most afternoons so the girls and I have been doing various crafts and activities together. Yesterday we pulled out the Model Magic. It’s just such a great material to work with, I thought it was worth another mention. It is soft and pliable and it is easy even for my four year old to mix and blend colors. It is self-hardening and clean to work with.
The last time we used it was back in February when we did our geography activity about world landmarks. We went over all the continents with ED and then learned about some of the famous landmarks of the world. ED chose to do St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow and we used Model Magic to make the onion domes of her creation. (In truth, all four of us worked on this! Below is a picture of ‘her’ project.)
Today we pulled out the model magic and I showed the kids how to make pinch pots and coil pots. They decided they made perfect beds and bathtubs for their Littlest Pet Shop creatures.
We bought the classroom pack with four colors (white, red, blue, yellow) in the 1 oz. packages. One package of each color is more than enough to work with; we open more packages as needed. The small packages are really convenient because the material stays fresh until you’re ready for it. And as I mentioned above, I love that the kids have to mix colors to make green, purple or orange. Just so you know, I’ve seen it for under $40 including shipping for 75 packages; I think we bought it on sale back six months ago for $32.95 (including shipping).
And while I’m on the topic of art, DD borrowed a craft book from the library and made this cute butterfly craft, a twist on the traditional paper doll.
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[…] A great art material for 4- to 10-year-olds (Parents.com) […]
[…] A great art material for 4- to 10-year-olds (Parents.com) […]