A Day at the Lake
We have had a wonderful time with Grams and Gramps. One afternoon we went to the lake for the day. The water was beautiful and we all enjoyed our swim. Afterward we had a lovely time at the edge of the lake feeding the birds, turtles and fish and playing at the shady playground.
We’ve also thoroughly enjoyed the local attractions near Grams and Gramps. We’ve been to a number of shows in the past couple weeks. We saw a magic show, a stunt dog show, a ventriloquist and more. Plus, the kids have loved the local amusement park and have had lots of fun on the rides and visiting the attractions at the park. ED especially loved petting the goats, but was scared by the guinea fowl and ran away from them saying, “Don’t hurt me birdie, don’t hurt me!” I guess we gave too many warnings about the Canadian geese below.
In other news, we are settling on a new house in about 10 days and will be leaving Grams and Gramps tomorrow for the long drive east. Plus, we had an offer on the house we’re selling in Colorado and things are looking promising in that regard as well.