Tagged: Homeschool Interview


Guest Post by My Homeschooling Sister: Intensity in Learning

This is a post by my amazing sister, Cynthia. She and her husband homeschool their three kids. My sister works full time and my brother-in-law works part time for the National Guard. They live on a farm in Tennessee and raise chickens and a few ducks.  Here’s a view looking out on their lake from a trip last winter: I’ve written about my sister’s family adventures from time to time...


An Interview with a Classical Christian Educator: Part 1

In this series, I have had the privilege of interviewing other homeschoolers from across the country.  This week I interviewed Brandy, the author of the inspiring and informative blog, Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood.  Brandy is a classical educator and her boys participate weekly in the educational program, Classical Conversations.  She will tell us much more about that in just a moment! Welcome Brandy!  First, could you tell us the age of...