Tagged: Homeschool Encouragment


3 Reasons Why Breaks are GOOD!

In our culture, we seem to reward and admire those who put in long, hard hours at work. Even school districts have succumb to the notion that longer school days and less recess will improve student performance. But scientifically that doesn’t make sense.  When you are truly working hard, your brain needs a break. The brain represents 2% of the body’s weight, but requires almost 25% of its oxygen. If...


High Standards and a Nurturing Atmosphere

I am drawn to books and stories about amazing teachers and inspiring mentors who help their students achieve greatness. What are great teachers teaching students along the way?  To love learning. To learn and think for themselves. And to work hard on the fundamentals.   The common thread among many of the inspiring books I’ve read is that great teachers set high standards for all of their students. They believe in...


Homeschool Motivation – 10 Ways to Keep Going!

It’s mid-winter. It’s cold and there’s still plenty of school left in the semester.  How do we keep ourselves motivated to homeschool? I’ve been thinking about that a LOT lately. When working with the kids, it’s not just having the activities ready, the books out, worksheets printed out. It’s the smile and positive energy that really inspires our homeschool. In that regard, there are times when I’m not doing my job.  Call it...

Homeschool Encouragment 0

Homeschool Encouragement: To Homeschool You Need…

To Homeschool We Need… Love The most important ingredient of homeschooling is simply love. Homeschooling is about the relationships, not the curriculum we use.  Some days will be wonderful, other days… not as noteworthy, but at the end of the day did we connect wit the kids, snuggle with the kids, help them find their own voice and strengths. I help motivate them and support them. I try to keep...