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Preschool Activities in a Box

JULY’S POSTINGS ARE ALL PRESCHOOL AND TODDLER RELATED! I have a clear plastic file box (actually now I have two-goingon three!) filled with all kinds of preschool activities. I’ll sharepictures of some of the things I have on hand. These havebeen very well used for the past four months by my 3 yearold and (now) 19 month old. My 19 month old has beenstringing straws for months now! I’ve posted...


Preschool Activities

Matching foam itemsPracticing Buttoning (I sewed the green felt strips andbuttons onto the blue felt backing.)  I don’t remember where I sawthis idea.  If you’ve seen this on another blog let me know and I’llprovide the link for others. Straw pieces on plastic string (or pipe cleaners)


Toddler Activities

Someone on one of the homeschool groups I participate in needed ideas for keeping their toddler busy.  I wrote this up and thought I’d put it on the website too.  I hope you find these ideas useful.  Here’s what I wrote: I have a 17 month old daughter and am wondering just how we’ll get much done when we start back with school in another week.  She likes (insists!) on...