Monthly Archive: March 2016
As many of you may know, I have been working hard to get some of the images in our older posts working again. (It’s a complicated story, but it has to do with our moving our blog from where we were for several years, to our new location here.) Anyway, I’ve been fixing old posts and realized I should share some of these posts for our new readers! So...
DD is a natural speller but both LD and ED have really benefited by the logical layout of the All About Spelling lessons. (affiliate link). I do my very best to stay consistent working through those lessons. It helps if we can work on spelling at least three times a week. During the spring semester, we also spend more time/attention on grammar, but we try to keep going with spelling...
Most every year around mid-semester, I wrestle with some of the same problems. Maybe you’ve noticed this too: Being tired Feeling overwhelmed Letting things slide Having too many commitments Feeling like the kids aren’t “doing” enough Feeling doubt Feeling really critical or cynical, irritable or impatient Feeling frustrated or anxious I find myself reaching for education and teaching books, hoping to find the perfect motivational nuggets to get me through...