Tagged: Slavery and the Civil War Unit


Territorial Expansion – Manifest Destiny Worksheets

For the past couple of weeks, we have been doing an American History unit on Territorial Expansion. Below you’ll some of the new Territorial Expansion/Manifest Destiny worksheets and notebook pages I created recently. This material is included in our 100-page Slavery & the Civil War Packet. This packet has three sections Slavery (pages 4-37) Territorial Growth (pages 38-67) Civil War – (pages 68-103) including information on popular sovereignty, slave vs....

Slavery and the Civil War Worksheets Notebook Pages 0

Slavery and the Civil War Unit (100+ Pages)

This fall we did a major unit on slavery and the Civil War. Our 100+ page packet includes notebook pages, maps, charts, review cards and some of the resources we used for this unit. It includes extensive teacher notes. Our unit actually consisted of three parts: Slavery, Territorial Growth, and the Civil War. This is the first time we’ve covered these topics in depth (up until now, I dragged my...