Tagged: capitalization rules worksheets


Free Grammar Worksheets: Capitalization Rules Practice Sheets

We are spending a couple of weeks on grammar rules again.  We are going to review some of the basic rules about capitalization. This should be fairly straight-forward for my older two. Some of this will be new for ED, so I’ll sit down with her to work on these together. Some of the rules we’re covering include: Capitalize the first word of every sentence Capitalize the first word in...


Grammar Practice Sheets: Apostrophes, Quotation Marks and Underlining (and others)

We tend to switch back and forth between our spelling program and our grammar work.  This past week we worked on grammar and I made a few more sheets that paralleled the topics that were covered in our Write Source Skills Book (here’s a link to Grade 2 and Grade 4).  If you’re interested you can download the worksheets I made for the kids. They cover the use of apostrophes, quotation...