Daily Archive: May 29, 2017

Sommer Wortschatz - German Worksheets and Activities for Kids 0

Sommer Wortschatz – German Worksheets and Activities

Sommerwörter: German Worksheets and Activities As the school year winds down, we are doing one more unit in German. I made the kids a new packet: Sommer Wortschatz worksheets and games. The kids will be studying vocabulary relating to camping, going to the beach, swimming, etc.  There are picture cards (either with the words in German or blank): There are a number of matching worksheets – German words to pictures...


This Memorial Day: Remembering the Casualties of War

Memorial Day is a day to remember all those who lost their lives in the service of our country. Both sides of our family have members of the family who have served in the military. We have ancestors/relatives who served in the Civil War, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, and more recently served in the Iraq War and in Afghanistan.   Just one, Hubby’s Great Uncle Millard, lost his life at the...